Dear Sirs
Iam CGHS beneficiary and senior citizen aged 71 years. I find that there is no system of first come first served [FCFS] in our dispensaries. First of all when we go to our dispensaries we get our selves registered and get a token number. Up to this stage this FCFS system is followed.
When we reach to the Doctor we find that the person who has come later to me finds his seat at the front and I being aged and less efficient I find a seat at the back bench and now this becomes my serial for that Doctor.
In my opinion the token no which has been given to me should be my turn number for consultation also. This will avoid all problems and who comes first shall be out also first. Anumber of times I have found that patients are fighting each other on this count alone. I suggest that the token number which has been allotted to a patient should be treated as his serial no for all his purposes on that particular day
my email address pntkanpur@gmail.com
My CGHS card no is 2698 (P)
my Beneficiary number is 3020248
Even if u disagree to the above request pl do send me youe views regarding my request to enable me take up the matter at a higher level.
Replied on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:50 PM
I was operated upon for removal of cancer esophagus on 10 Jan 2011 at GB Pant hospital New Delhi.In Sept 2011 the progress was reviewed and I was asked to undertake CT and PET-CT scans done. Both these scans suggested that there could be a recurrence of the tumour. The surgeon at the Pant hospital therefore advised that I should get further treatment by way of chemo or radio therapy done at a CGHS approved centre. Accordingly I got myself registered at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Instt. in Rohini New Delhi. Doctors at the Tajiv Gandhi Instt. reviewed the reports, asked me to get a blood test done and felt that the evidence was not conclusive and that they would not put me on chemo or radio therapy unless they are certain that the disease has come up again. They therefore asked me to get a further test done. The test was " Endoscopic Usg guided FNAC to determine subcarinal lesion". The Rajiv Gandhi Instt. did not have the facility to conduct this test. The surgeon suggested that it could be done at Sir Gangaram hospital. But this hospital is not in the list of CGHS approved hospitals. A few other cancer hospitals do have this facility but they insist that I should first get myself registered with them. I can try a special permission but that is likely to take not less than two weeks. I do not want this matter to be delayed because timely intervention can save my life. Kindly advise me appropriately.
Shashi Bhushan Indirapuram Ghaziabad UP
Replied on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 2:40 AM
Dear Sir,
I am suffering with conversation and was admitted in the hospital in the month of June in Railway hospital. The medicines given by them is getting drowsiness. In view of that I was contacted CGHS referral hsopital and their advised taken rest for 15 days. I have not claimed the reimbursement. Ther medical certificate given by the hospital authrities not accepted by my department and insisting me to obtain CGHS MC and FC. Kindly clairfy the certificate given by them is a valid one or not. kindly reply may be issued to my e-mail address pleas: prabhakargumma@rediffmail.com.
Yours faithfully,
GVS P.Rao=
Replied on Monday, October 3, 2011 1:41 AM
I am Dipak Shah from Ahmedabad.Mu question is whether Central govt employee transfer to non cghs area, leaving his family at old station can avail cghs facility for his family as the criteria for cghs facility is RESIDENCE and not HEAD QUARTER.
My another question is I have read in Nabhi's book that the govt servant working in non cghs area can take treatment at CGHS pvt recognised hospital at CGHS approved rates. But how this hospital will charge CGHS approved rates as there will be no CGHS Card with beneficiary. Kindly guide me
Replied on Thursday, October 13, 2011 5:44 AM
Replied on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 9:02 AM
Is medicines purchased from local chemist are also covered under CGHS scheme. kindly reply at ajay.narula@ranbaxy.com
Replied on Friday, October 14, 2011 11:36 PM