 Harender16 (Guest)
sir my mother is 74 yrs old and a member of CGHS scheme she is also a central govt pensioner.. although as I am an central govt servant she is residing with me and does not hold the particular CGHS pensioners card...... now she is suffering from bone tuberculosis and is in lying position for last three months and could not stand for herself.. she was admitted in an emergency condition in the CGHS panel hospital Sunderlal Jain hospital Ashok Vihar Delhi.. and was treated under the credit facility... after discharge from the hospital she is in continuous treatment from the same hosp but my deparment clerk has denied me the reimbursment of medical bils for post hospitalization i.e. OPD treatment . they say that my mother should get referrd to panel hospital from my CGHS dispensary Kingsway camp, but the doctor/CMO at the CGHS dispensary denied to refer her in panel hospital. Sir keeping inmy mother's pathetic condition what is the way through that my mother gets treated in the same panel hospital. she is in lying position.. kindly help me .
Replied on Thursday, November 10, 2011 3:58 AM
My father has retired from Railways and getting medical facility from Railways[Throgh RELHS]. I am working in Delhi Police and my parents are residing with me. I am getting medical facilities for me and my my family under CGHS. I want to know whether my parents can be included in my CGHS by withdrawing thier name from RELHS of Indian Railways (My parents are facing problem in availing the medical benefits from Indian Railways as the Railway Dispensary/Hospitals are far away from my residence.
Replied on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 9:54 AM
I Arun Kumar Dixit, govt servant working in non CGHS area can take treatment at CGHS pvt recognised hospital at CGHS approved rates. But how this hospital will charge CGHS approved rates as there will be no CGHS Card with beneficiary. Kindly guide me.
Replied on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 9:56 AM
 binay18lal (Guest)
sir can a employee of CGHS can give departmental competitive exam which is posted in L.D.C. so that he would be promoted in U.D.C.
Replied on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 7:25 AM
 negirkt (Guest)
I K S Negi a pensioner, retired from MES, Min. of Defence in 2006 and was posted at Ranikhet Non-CGHS Centre. I could not become a Member of the above scheme. Now, I wish to become the Member of the CGHS. Please advise me the procedure to become the Member. Now, I residing at Noida, Dstt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. a CGHS Centre.
Replied on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 1:47 AM