 roshsum (Guest)
Thanks so much for covering the CGHS scheme in this wonderful website. I have one query and that is why the retired employees of the Postal department of India ( My uncle who is now 78 is a pensioner belonging to the Chennai Postal department) are not covered under the CGHS scheme? Is there any way this scheme can be extended to them and who can give the correct picture about this issue. I desperately need to know the answer to this query and would be extremely obliged if I can get the reply at the earliest. thanks Nirmala
Replied on Thursday, April 1, 2010 12:00 AM
Postal pensioners are automatically given cghs benefits if they retired from a cghs city, by surrendering their cghs cards which were issued to them while in service. others are not entitled. but according to court decisions, they are being temporary cghs cards at Hyderabad, without opd treatment unless they forgo the medical allowance. Their cards are being renewed periodically.
Replied on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:00 AM
 vivektripathi (Guest)
The specialists of Medical College, Jabalpur have advised my wife who had a heart attack to have an angiograph done at Spandan Heart Hospital, Nagpur. The Joint Director,CGHS has provisioned payment of angiograph fee but no provision has been made for claim of TA/DA, which is to be made for cities where no facilities exist for the above investigation/treatment. In addition the hospital should claim for charges from The Joint Director,CGHS. Kindly be kind enough to to clarify and reply to me soon.
Replied on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:00 AM
Since all beneficiries not aware of the procedures, all concerned dispenceries should display a chart of procedures to be followed by a beneficiery to get his job done with a list ofconnected documents required to be attached.
Replied on Saturday, July 3, 2010 12:00 AM
 dm2651 (Guest)
I retired in Feb.2004 and was granted med. allowance Rs100 as I could not then apply for CGHS card.More than six yearss after my retirement, I have felt the need to have the card. But the rate of contribution has been raised steeply. I now wish to avail life long facility but the lump-sum contribution becomes too much. Is there any relief to those who have already missed out opportunity for more than six years and can now avail facilty for lesser number of years?Dhirendra Mishra
Replied on Sunday, August 1, 2010 12:00 AM
when an central Govt. employee is reffered by the department's medical officer to an CGHS APPROVED HOSPITAL for consultation/treatment in OPD, Do you need to take leave for the purpose/ treated on duty.
Replied on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 12:00 AM
You have to take leave
Replied on Sunday, June 30, 2013 5:54 PM