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Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)

The CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) started in 1954, with its headquarters at New Delhi. Its main objective is to provide comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees that incorporate - both serving and pensioners including their dependent family members....Read More

Posted on : Thursday, April 1, 2010 12:00 AM
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iam a retired drdo officer and under cghs scheme i would like to know whether the amount paid as subscription to cghs is admissible for deduction from the pension amount for the purpose of incometax i have joined cghs scheme during oct 2010 and paid rs 7500/- as subscription for 15 months . whether this amount can deducted from the toal income for calculation income tax for the year 2010-11
Replied on Friday, December 17, 2010 4:02 AM
The Government was planning Health insurence for the beneficieris of CGHS. When is the facility aailable and how to make use of the schem. Presently, the cghs dispensory is located at one place in Gurgaon which is quite far from Sector 56. Please provide me the facility of AMS or the insurence for the senior citizens
Replied on Sunday, January 2, 2011 3:38 AM
After surrendering CGHS Card to my office and want permanent retired CGHS Card,how much amount I have to pay? Iwas in pay band 6600/-?
Replied on Saturday, January 22, 2011 11:40 AM

i am central govt employee and posted at delhi. I hve no cghs card. My parents, wife and ttwo children are staying at kolkata. I would like to prepare CGHS Card after producing the required docs. After receiving the CGHS card while dependents parents, wife and child who are staying at kolkata can take CGHS facility by producing the CGHS card which has been prepared fm DELHI as I am working at Delhi. Kindly guide me about CGHS card .
Replied on Friday, January 28, 2011 9:00 AM

Sir, Since ur a central govt employee, ur monthly contribution might have been deducted even if you are not having a CGHS Card. After preparing the Card including all your real dependents they can have treatment in Kolkata. Request your department to write a letter to Asst Director, CGHS, Kolkotta to provide all CGHS facility to your family members/dependents with a copy addressed to Director, CGHS, Delhi for their info and necessary action. Get plastic card/s as this will ensure individual treatment any where in India and the dependent/s will have their ownself plastic card.
Replied on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:18 PM

This is very beneficial scheme for both serving and pension personnels. I am a central govt pensioner I want to get CGHS CARD I am resideing in Hyderabad. Kindly furnish how to apply and address of the CGHS Office wher I will submit application for CGHS Card.
Replied on Sunday, January 30, 2011 4:36 AM

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