 rakesh27 (Guest)
I am a central govt. employee and residing on rent in an area covered under cghs faridabad and having a cghs card issued since last 4 years, but very often visit and stay at my father,s[a central govt pensioner] house which is located in area not covered under cghs for serving,because my parents are very old and ailing with nobody else to look after.am i violating any rules for availing the cghs facility? my temporary residence stands verified by the issuing authority before issue of card and afterwards also and i have a valid ration card issued on the temporary address.kindly clarify...Rakesh Sachdeva Faridabad
Replied on Saturday, June 11, 2011 9:10 AM
I am working in a statutory Body of the Govt. of India. Our deptt has been declared as Autonomous Body. As per Act creating our organisation, our terms and conditions of service would be as that of Central Govt., Please let me know if we are covred under CGHS and if so, who will issue us the CGHS Card. Please reply at dda@thenationaltrust.in
Replied on Monday, June 13, 2011 12:56 AM
 m.y.shaikh.1 (Guest)
dear sir, i am employee of centrel government, and cghs card holder but my residence is now out side of ahmedabad or say far away from cghs dispensory, then what is the easy way to get medical service for my femilly?, iam in cpwd ahmedabad, residence at sharkhej plese help me
m y shaikh
Replied on Monday, June 27, 2011 12:08 AM
 msanand45 (Guest)
I ,being a DGEHS card holder getting treatment of eyesight of my wife in center for sight in safdarjung which does not cooperate me as demanding permission letter of all tests diognised by the Dr.for which Medical officer in Dispensary Sec 8 Rohini feels boresome and extra work that harasses the card holder.
so i requet you to simplify the procedure to help the patients.
M.S.Anand V.P.ex
Replied on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:27 PM
 Swastik1996 (Guest)
Can a Family pensioner beneficially of central govt. take medical facilities from his child account who is also a central govt employee??Would the family pensioner called a dependant of his children whose basic is Rs 950/month[plus allowance]
Replied on Monday, July 18, 2011 7:56 AM