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Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)

The CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) started in 1954, with its headquarters at New Delhi. Its main objective is to provide comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees that incorporate - both serving and pensioners including their dependent family members....Read More

Posted on : Thursday, April 1, 2010 12:00 AM
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I am from Chennai and serving employee and CGHS beneficiary endorsed with CGHS Anna nagar, Chennai . This poly clinic is having Homeo section with two doctors also . On 1st August 2012 I went for homeo treatment where in dispensary they did not have the pills bottle to issue the homeo medicine . The pharmacist insisted me to bring old used bottles and refused to give the medicine . After several request to him and assuring him that I would bring bottle next time, he gave me the medicine . This happens all the time. Here, I would like to bring to notice of all concerned that the cost of the Homeo medicine bottles may be 10 paise or so .It is a pity that the CGHS is not able to issue such small bottles for medicine to their patients and asking to come with bottles . Whereas CGHS spending crores of rupees for medicine and welfare of the CGHS beneficiary and could not issue the small plastic bottles instead insulting the patients. We are contributing every month towards from our salary whether taking treatment or not. In this regard I required with the concerned medical officer who was kind enough to tell me that they are getting stock only once in a year where as Delhi and all other branches are getting once in three months and she can spend only Rs. 100/- . Further if any one visit the Homeo section the patient cannot find cleaned seat to sit and see the doctor as it is always filled with dust . Taking all these into concerned it is clearly visible that the Homeopathic division is being neglected where as so many patients taking treatment regularly . Hence, it is an humble request to kindly look into the matter and do the necessary in this regard.
Replied on Thursday, August 2, 2012 1:47 AM
Sir, Is there a Govt. order that for CGHS card holder patients undergoing treatment , the rates exceeding the package rates fixed by CGHS is permissible and hence no ceiling on the rates prescribed. Please clear it and give me the No. and date of the order. dkraina
Replied on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:56 AM

Dear Sir,
If an CGHS pensioner employees get admitted to some private hospital on emergency situation by his employees/neighboure and sent cleared the hopital bills by his own, then later on can he claim reimbusrement for the treatment he under gone.
Replied on Friday, August 24, 2012 3:26 AM

sir i am govt employ and posted at not covered area of cghs but my family stay at cghs covered area whether my family authorised for cghs card or otherwise
Replied on Saturday, September 1, 2012 3:12 AM

Replied on Monday, September 3, 2012 9:59 PM

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