We applied for 3 plastic cards however only my mothers'[who is a govt. employee] card has recived by us and in the remaining 2 the computer is showing the status as "photo missing".
Please suggest which form should we need to fill to correct this error?
Replied on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 10:52 AM
i would like to know, if the scheme applicable for kendriya vidyalaya teachers, and what is the proceedure for appylying for the scheme from Aska- bhuvaneshwar region.?
Replied on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:25 AM
I want to know about my Father's medical bill related policies as he is retired from Ajmer [Raj] FCI department as AG1 .I want him to shift to Ahmedabad as he has become old,so if he or my mother go under an operation here ,How do we claim the medical bill from govt from here? He is a central govt retired employee.Please guide me if anyone knows
Replied on Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:42 AM
My suggestion is that if u want to transfer them to Ahmedabad, then you change your parent's CGHS Card to Ahmedabad and get the treatment at CGHS Recognised hospital at Ahmedabad. It will be more easier for u if u choose to operate only at Ajmer then they will not able to take treatment at Ahmedabad where they are going to stay.
Replied on Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:37 AM
per the recent modification a cghs card can be used in any dispensary. the govt notification says so
Replied on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:45 AM
I am working in Central Govt. Dept.. I was fell ill and admitted in Rajiv Gandhi Ayurvdic Hospital. Doctor advised me allopathic medicines. Now, when i fill the fill, dept. say that Allopathic Medicines are not allowed in Ayurvedic Hospital. Kindly clerify me can i claim. If yes then under what rule and if no, then why
Replied on Saturday, March 17, 2012 6:22 AM
 241185 (Guest)
my father suffered from heart disease,i was given emergency treatment in private hospital else, because no availability of facilities/instruments in govt hospital or no recognized cghs hospital nearer to that place.
so for claim or settlement of medical bill what shall i do ?...
please guide me..........
Replied on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 12:54 PM
see the relevant portion of cghs guideline In case of emergency, in respect of pensioners/serving employees. Since it is not always possible to obtain prior permission in medical emergencies, treatment taken by CGHS beneficiaries in case of an emergency will be considered on merit based on individual study pertaining to such cases. This is applicable even if the treatment is taken from a non-recognized private hospital. For granting eg. Post- facto approval in emergency cases, for both-serving Government officials or pensioner beneficiaries, the power is delegated to the Head of the concerned CGHS covered city.
Read more: Central Government Health Scheme [CGHS] - CGHS – For Serving Government Employees and Pensioners | Medindia http://www.medindia.net/patients/health-regulations/central-government-health-scheme-serving-government.
Replied on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:40 AM