Most people think that America is at fault for the obesity problems that people have now days. In all actuality it is the people that are at fault. We are to blame for the few extra slices of the large pepparoni pizza that we ordered after 8 o'clock at night, when we knew full well that we wouldn't be doing any sort of activities after eating that pizza. We are to blame for not getting out and excercising when we knew that we needed to burn a few extra calories. It is completely unfair to blame america as the sole criminal in the obesity problems that we face.
Replied on Friday, June 8, 2007 12:00 AM
Yes..i agreed with your experience. Burgers,pizza this junk foods lead to obesity. I earn lot of fats from this foods so now i started gyming and i am burning my calories too. Now no one have power to blame me.
Replied on Thursday, January 10, 2019 12:05 AM
nobody is blaming america..it is just that america has the highest numbers of people who are obese... if anyone is blaming america its the americans themselves and when they blame america they are blaming themseleves because they make america. so when you say people please specify which people you are talking about....
Replied on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:00 AM
Free Fruits on Public Áreas to Curb Spreading Obesity
Fruits have around four times more water content than cookies and easily satisfy hunger taking less energy. Refrigerators full of fruits easily beat junkies.
In Brazil we are increasing fruit trees in the public areas changing the country to a large tropical orchard. Then, sidewalks, squares, parks, roadsides will be plenty of free fruits bearing appropriate food to fight spreading obesity. Free fruits are protected from the power of the economic system pursuing profitability.
Other countries are invited to join us on a fight against global obesity toward a Public Fructification. Brazil intends to become a developed country without common problems of a superpower.
We intend the rural area to conquer public areas making it full of fruits.
Even carnivores can be convinced to eat more fruits yhy not humans?
Replied on Friday, December 14, 2007 12:00 AM
People may make health-related lifestyle decisions based on their environment. For example, someone may choose not to walk to many places because of the car-oriented layout of the surrounding community. Another individual might find the unhealthy lunch buffet at his/her office very difficult to resist. Moreover, of course, children do not have much control over their environment; their parents usually dictate their food choices.
Replied on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 12:00 AM
ur all fat retards
Replied on Monday, April 20, 2009 12:00 AM
Obesity can be reversed by practising kapalabhati and anulom vilom pranayama alone followed by deep breathing to ventilate properly I lost 15 kgs just like that after stsrting pranayama but eating as usual! - Lellapalli
Replied on Saturday, November 8, 2008 12:00 AM