1. Does obesity cause complications?
Yes. Obese patients are at a risk of developing Diabetes mellitus, Cardiovascular diseases and Hypertension in the long term.
2. Does a low calorie diet help in losing weight?
Yes. Weight reduction can be achieved by reducing food intake and by regular exercise. A low calorie diet should constitute a low carbohydrate, high fiber, moderate protein and a low fat diet.
3. Does exercise help in losing weight?
1. Most obese people are capable of moderate aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, gardening,dancing, provided it does not exceed their cardiovascular capacity.
2. Because of their heavy weight obese people expand more food energy than lean people doing exercise of this type.
3. Regular daily exercise will help in reducing than exercising once in a while.
4. What are the methods in surgical treatment?
1. Wiring the jaws together to prevent eating has been used to treat those who have found it impossible to ahere to a low calorie diet.
2. Although this usually results in marked loss of weight, many patients regain weight when the procedure is reversed.
3. An alternative and fairly safe operation (major) is to reduce the size of the stomach, for eg. by stapling, which can be undone.
4. Small intestine bypass, aimed at inducing mal-absorption, has been undertaken in some centres for the treatment of severe "morbid" obesity, but complications can be severe and sometimes fatal.
5. It should be emphasized that surgery should be considered only for those with gross, interactable obesity.