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Seniors, or the elderly, or old people, are those who have lived beyond the average lifespan of human beings. Modern advances have made it possible for seniors to live healthy and active lives, but as a group they face certain common health and lifestyle challenges.

Join our Seniors Support Group to locate other senior people, their families, and healthcare specialists around the world and in your country.
Support Groups (4)

Diaper Rash / Diaper Dermatitis

Diaper rashes are rashes in the diaper area of babies usually caused by soiled diapers that are left on too long, or by the use of brands of detergents or soaps or baby wipes that don't suit the baby.

This online group on diaper rash will let you contact other parents and pediatricians and professionals who can help you and your baby cope with diaper rash and other challenges.

Geriatry-Related Diseases

Geriatric diseases include diseases that appear only in old age, diseases that persist up to old age, and other diseases that occur in people of all ages. Because the body of an old person is very different from the body of a younger adult, diseases affect older people differently, and a geriatric physician is the best person to consult for them.

Join our online support group for people with geriatric diseases and their families. Ask your questions to experts and share your experiences.


Obesity is an accumulation of fat in the body to an extent that it reduces health and life expectancy. Being obese increases the risk for many diseases from cancer and diabetes to heart diseases.

Join the online support group for people dealing with obesity – you can meet others who have successfully reduced their weight, share problems, and meet doctors and professionals helping obese people.


Seniors, or the elderly, or old people, are those who have lived beyond the average lifespan of human beings. Modern advances have made it possible for seniors to live healthy and active lives, but as a group they face certain common health and lifestyle challenges.

Join our Seniors Support Group to locate other senior people, their families, and healthcare specialists around the world and in your country.

Sleep Disorders in Elderly / Ageing and Sleep

People tend to sleep less well as they age. They may sleep lighter and wake up periodically in the night, or feel sleepy and tired through the day, or they may suffer from other sleep pathologies like sleep-disordered breathing and the periodic limb movement disorder.

Join our online group on aging and sleep to ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are veins which have become enlarged and painful. Usually this happens in the leg among people who need to stand or walk a lot. It looks bad and it can be painful and itchy.

This varicose veins support group will help you meet others with the same problem and doctors who specialize in treating varicose veins.

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vaidee replied to fatfighter100's discussion post under are you struggling with weight loss? in Obesity Support Group - 1600 days back
paulgonzales86 replied to guest's discussion post under Obesity in Obesity Support Group - 2267 days back
leeraforc45 wrote a discussion post under Skin Care For Anti Aging - Tips on Choosing Effective Remedies in Obesity Support Group - 3427 days back
JacobPittmas wrote a discussion post under Weight Loss surgery for people having BMI 30 or more in Obesity Support Group - 3492 days back
GarrettHnatiuk replied to medindia's discussion post under Obesity in Obesity Support Group - 3850 days back
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