Asked By :
Asked on : 01 Jul 2012
Status : published
Hi Doctor, 48 year old. Although satsified sex life, but any first time sex is of very short period. With Kohinor ET I got good support. Without condom. it is very instant. I have a date wih a new friend in next week & wants to be sucessful. Need immedaite support. Dabur Shillajeet Gold, Siperact 99, or any product of organic is useful & supportive ?. I failed with Kohinoor ET when tried with some one.
Asked By : Garvita11
Asked on : 14 Nov 2012
Status : published
I want to loose some weight & for that I do excercise about 3-4 days in a week which includes Cardio & gym. But I am not getting any satisfactory results so I want to ask can I take some fat burner & if yes then which one I can go for?
Asked By :
Asked on : 18 Jul 2012
Status : published
how can i lose weight...i have 700 calories a day ...but m having a sedentary lifestyle n i cnt change dat...plz tell me a way! i am right now 58 kgs n my height is 5'2"...m 18 yrs old
Asked By : chauhan rajmohan
Asked on : 21 Feb 2011
Status : published
My daughter 16 xi cbse student , is facing pre exams frights. please suggest some relief,
Asked By : giree
Asked on : 02 Mar 2012
Status : published
sir/madam my friend is suffering from throat pain. doctor has told her she has puss in her throat. can you please tell me the reasons for puss in throat.
Asked By : Mary8556
Asked on : 16 Aug 2011
Status : published
Can you tell me if mytonia dystrophy will cause muscle spasms in the diaphragm? Often times during a "spell", my chest will seize up and not relax, and I am unable to breath for a period of time, or swallow for that matter. My sats drop down to the high 80's, low 90's during this period. I can't find anything that will explain this "lock down" of my chest. Thank you
Asked By : Rutvik
Asked on : 02 Jul 2012
Status : published
Hello, My wife suffers from heavy bleeding and pain in menstrual. She cannot do anything for 3 to 4 days. A Gynec. prescribed some pain killers which does not relieves from pain. Madam/Sir I heard about Ayurvedic medicine "Ashoka churna" that relieves the pain and heavy bleeding. Please suggest me Ayurvedic medicines which would be good for her. thanx
Asked By : Cidmo
Asked on : 25 Nov 2010
Status : published
So this has happened to me 3 times in a far. a day before getting my period I start having arrhythmia's. It was a Friday morning and it all began , I could feel every heart beat . Saturday morning I got my period. The erratic beats were constant and lasted until Monday and then slowly started to tapper off with my period. During this time, I had to stay clear of all caffeine or I felt even more awful, with dizziness , headaches, pressure in my chest and head on exertion. I remember this happening before 2 times and then I realized it also was during and around my cycle time. By the time I got into the Dr's office and went for tests it was too late , things had stopped. Please give me some insight and what to do to not suffer this again! Sincerely Cindy in Canada
Asked By : sureshbabu789
Asked on : 03 Nov 2011
Status : published
i am using MDT for hansen disease and i am turning black fully