Asked By : chahat_chanda
Asked on : 04 Apr 2011
Status : published
my son is 3nhalf doesnt speak except do oye n shouting and he is hyperactive kid cant control him at times specially in public please suggest
Asked By : N.K.Assumi
Asked on : 26 Mar 2011
Status : published
I heard that there are some medicines or should I say drugs if administered to a person without their knowledge the person can go mad. What are those medicines and what are the remedy for such mental illness?
Asked By : kathisanjeev
Asked on : 20 Jun 2011
Status : published
is the chance for pregnency afterrecannalisation of tubes
Asked By : france2012
Asked on : 13 Jun 2012
Status : published
BLOOD GROUP Could you please let me know asap if it's possible for a baby to have 0+ when my father has AB+ my mother B- Thanks for you prompt reply
Asked By : mim104
Asked on : 24 Jun 2012
Status : published
i am 31 years old. i have problem i was used to mastrubation. now my erection is nt hard. i want to marry what should i do. my semen becone so thin(patla).i also diebeties.pls guide size is 6 in erection.but hicjness is not suitable.i have problem i dischrage very soon.even i embracing.
Asked By : ATHIRA
Asked on : 09 Jun 2012
Status : published
HI Sir/Madam , I am 20 years old and my face is oily and my whole body is dry . I have a problems of pimples , scars marks , dark under eye . i used ponds white beauty, but no change in my face . plz help
Asked By :
Asked on : 29 Apr 2012
Status : published
Hi, I'm 43 yr old male. I had full blood test 3 years ago and found low testosterone (2.6, which is just below the reference range). My sports medicine doctor had prescribed testosterone replacement to gain muscle - very low dose twice a week - which I did for 1 year. I found a little improvement. However, I have found that my sex drive has significantly diminished over past 3 yrs. I just did my blood test again and found the same testosterone level (~2.6). I also have very low energy levels. My blood work also showed slightly anemic conditions (just below reference range). Everything else was normal. My doctor has given me similar testosterone (testogel) therapy again, but I'm hesitant to use it. I have 2 questions: 1. Is there anything I can do to naturally improve testosterone levels - supplements, diet, exercise, alternative medicine, etc. Any ayurvedic medicines that might help? What are reasons for reduced testosterone? I also have same question about hemoglobin (how I can improve naturally), but understand this might be out of your area of expertise. (2) What are side effects of testosterone therapy? I have small prostate (<16cc), so am not at high risk. Any other risks? I understand one side effect is reduction of the testes size- does that mean libido, energy level, vitality will drop more than baseline when I stop testosterone treatment? What can I do to offset side effects of testosterone therapy? Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for the long- questions.
Asked By : Ron90
Asked on : 19 Nov 2012
Status : published
My prob about sex. My age 22y. My organ is very small app.1inch.I am more worry about same can it cure. Thanks.
Asked By : Beyondyourthinking
Asked on : 06 Jun 2012
Status : published
My cousin (17 years old) felt the pain of appendicitis and he was taken to the hospital although the pain was not that severe. Doctor diagnosed appendicitis and preferred an operation after 6 weeks. He was brought back home. Another doctor said that the inflammation is at initial stage and could be treated with medicines. My cousins's grandmother also got appendicitis and had more severe pain but the same doctor treated her with medicines and up till now, its been 12-13 years, she does not feel any kind of pain or complications. Same is the case with our another relative of the same family. CAN MEDICINES REALLY CURE IT IF IT IS IN STARTING STAGE??? PLEASE REPLY ME SOON. THANKYOU :) WAITING....
Asked By : ravi005
Asked on : 30 Jun 2011
Status : published
i am ravi of 27 yr. since my child hood i am having a problem in language reading & writing , in solving maths problem. my famly is not that much aducated to understand my this prob nad now i feel a great prob in my life because of this i feel i am a dyslexic. fron the site i hav nte down some symptom list an i found lot of them in me • May read very slowly with many inaccuracies. • Continues to spell incorrectly, frequently spells the same word differently in a single piece of writing. • May avoid reading and writing tasks. • May have trouble summarizing and outlining. • May have trouble answering open-ended questions on tests. • May have difficulty learning a foreign language. • May have poor memory skills. • May work slowly. • May pay too little attention to details or focus too much on them. • May misread information. • May have an inadequate vocabulary. • May have an inadequate store of knowledge from previous reading. • May have difficulty with planning, organizing and managing time, pls guide me what do i do. how to overcome my this problem. plss pls guide meeeeeeeeeee