Asked By :
Asked on : 23 Dec 2011
Status : published
I am 28 years old. I was affected Bells palsy , around 11 years ago when I was studying +12. I relieved from diseas somewhat (70%), I took around 4 months treatment (physiotheraphy & medicine by that time. I skipped that later. Now I couldn't smile completly. But eyes are closing properly, only smile & Speak are bit of complicaiton. Can it be cure it now by latest treatment (BOTOX or Surgical)?
Asked By : pretz
Asked on : 01 Oct 2009
Status : published
Dear Doctor, Just now I transferred from Chennai to Mumbai, and i guess because of the sudden climate changes, small pimple type of something (not pimple exactly) is developed all over my forehead. i can only feel when place my hand there - no itching, no color change. bt am worried that if it may lead to some thing serious. along with that i m facing the problem of oiliness from last one year. this time face is producing oil every nxt minute after face washing, pl get me rid of this. Also suggest me some diet chart if possible.
Asked By : Gurmeet202
Asked on : 21 Mar 2011
Status : published
My wife is 48 and we have three kids, she had bleeding problem in October 2009 and our gynae did series of test like Ultrasound of Pelvic And stomach and MRI, a cyst was seen and diagnosed as endometrioma. On 19 Feb 2010 we did Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy With bilateral salingoopherectomy with frozen Section, her CA level post surgery was 79 and she has no family History, the test came positive for Ovary cancer Omentum was clear and stage 3c, she has not other problem goes to office regularly and does yoga. We did six cycle of chemo Carbo and plaxi and post second Chemo her CA was 12, and now post her last chemo in June 2010 her CA is 8.90 since June, the two USG for pelvic and stomach were clear, we also did CT- PET which also is clear which no trace of disease as of now. For advise
Asked By : N.K.Assumi
Asked on : 14 Apr 2011
Status : published
Dear Experts, are the brain and the mind same or they are two different matters? Does brain control the mind or mind control the brain? I want to know especially from the view of modern scientific views as well as ancient Vedic literature Chandogaya Upanishad and Bhagavat Gita.
Asked By :
Asked on : 28 Dec 2009
Status : published
dark circles are coming around my eyes..please tell me the solution for this
Asked By : vinodbhamrev
Asked on : 15 Jul 2012
Status : published
my baby girl is just one and half year old. she does not take any food except her mother feed. please advise me a good medicine by which i can increase her hunger.
Asked By : Tomen
Asked on : 30 Jan 2012
Status : published
I have 4 & 1/2 year old kid diagnosed with Down Syndrome. He can't talk and do not understand. what treatment , therapy should be given to him at this stage. I am living in Arunachal Pradesh where there is no facility.
Asked By : men1234
Asked on : 28 Sep 2011
Status : published
I have been experiencing bad breath for the past 2 years.On consulting a doctor I was told that it is due to the secretion of a white fluid on the side of my throat - sinus glands.This secretion becomes hard and gets attached to the gland.Till the hard secretion comes out of the gland the bad breath remains.Once that comes out due to my coughing or sneezing the smell disappears.After a few days the whole process starts again.Is there a permanant remedy to this.I was to do mouth wash with LISTERINE daily.This doesnt help either.When I talk the smell appears again.
Asked By : gomes
Asked on : 24 Feb 2010
Status : published
My Son is 16months od aand is 10.3kg only. He never even increases 100gm also. He had denguein oct 2009 and fits in dec 2009. his birth wt was 3.25kg.advise me how can i increase his weight. what is the ideal weight for 16months baby.