Asked By : Mary8556
Asked on : 16 Aug 2011
Status : published
Can you tell me if mytonia dystrophy will cause muscle spasms in the diaphragm? Often times during a "spell", my chest will seize up and not relax, and I am unable to breath for a period of time, or swallow for that matter. My sats drop down to the high 80's, low 90's during this period. I can't find anything that will explain this "lock down" of my chest. Thank you
Asked By : chauhan rajmohan
Asked on : 21 Feb 2011
Status : published
My daughter 16 xi cbse student , is facing pre exams frights. please suggest some relief,
Asked By : Cidmo
Asked on : 25 Nov 2010
Status : published
So this has happened to me 3 times in a far. a day before getting my period I start having arrhythmia's. It was a Friday morning and it all began , I could feel every heart beat . Saturday morning I got my period. The erratic beats were constant and lasted until Monday and then slowly started to tapper off with my period. During this time, I had to stay clear of all caffeine or I felt even more awful, with dizziness , headaches, pressure in my chest and head on exertion. I remember this happening before 2 times and then I realized it also was during and around my cycle time. By the time I got into the Dr's office and went for tests it was too late , things had stopped. Please give me some insight and what to do to not suffer this again! Sincerely Cindy in Canada
Asked on : 27 Aug 2011
Status : published
I am a guy with blood group A +ve. My mother have blood group of B +ve and My father have blood group of O +ve. Is it possible to be like this? As I have knowledge I must have B or O as my blood group. I was born in a hospital and I sometimes even think that I may have been exchanged with some one during my birth. I am too worried. plz guide me
Asked By : rdg1981
Asked on : 17 Mar 2010
Status : published
I have been having sleep problems since last 2 months. Would you know if Melatonin is available in India? Its an OTC in US market.
Asked By : rajsingh
Asked on : 07 Oct 2011
Status : published
Hi I have kidney stone problem in both kidney from 6 or 7 years my age in 27 and i am also suffering from Thyroid problem my TSh value is high. due to these reason i have facing hair falling problem from 4 or 5 years. I have lost my hair in male pattern baldness.Please tell me the best homeopathy medicine for resolved all these problem(stone,thyroid and hair fall).
Asked By : imran1104
Asked on : 28 Jun 2012
Status : published
hi i am kashif. i am much thankful to your administration.which r working for the welfare of people.your website is very informative and useful for people like me who r suffering in some disease. i am kashif i am30 years old.i have blood sugar from last 2 years. i am blood sugar patient . my blood suger level is 131 in fast. i consult your glycemic index.i came to know about diet plan i research about different food item which have low G.I i want to ask you can we eat low G.I food.i came to know that ice cream has low G I can i eat ice cherrries.pls tell me how much quantity can i eat og these food which have low G.I thankx Kashif Khan
Asked By : kashJohn
Asked on : 13 Oct 2011
Status : published
Which oil good over the penis massage keep it in good condition ??
Asked By : zenith27
Asked on : 27 Mar 2012
Status : published
my father is suffering from acute exacerbation of COPD and he does requires hospitalization after every 5-6 months..... needs oxygen and BIPAP..... just wanna ask is there any permanent treatment of this???????????? plz help me....
Asked By : phimosis
Asked on : 25 Apr 2012
Status : published
Hey guys i am twenty two years old and i can not retract my foreskin at all.Below is the description : a. when flaccid my foreskin completely covers the glans,with an extra bunch of foreskin which is reddish in color in contrast to the normal color of the foreskin which is black. b. when flaccid and i pull my foreskin back ,the bunch of foreskin rolls down and gives pin hole view of my head and i feel no pain.The opening of the top whitish part is very small and hence it prevents the foreskin to go down deep.when i try very hard then around .5 cm of my head comes out as if it has been squeezed out. the whitish part of foreskin is approximately of two cm length. c. the same is the condition when i am erect The only difference being that there is no cluster of skin at the top as it was in the flaccid condition, as the penis has grown in length. d. In full erect condition my foreskin completely covers the penis with a pin hole view of head and as mentioned above whitish foreskin of two cm's. Please help me in diagnosing my condition. thanks