Can someone in COMA with 99% of their brain dead still move their head and try to lift it? Does anyone know about this?
Replied on Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:00 AM
my mom is totally brain dead according to her doctor... she doesnt show any sign of response, she moves only when someone toucher her, doctor said it's just the reflex... but in my faith, i know she can hear me through her heart...
Replied on Saturday, September 3, 2011 1:43 PM
my mom is totally brain dead according to her doctor... she doesnt show any sign of response, she moves only when someone toucher her, doctor said it's just the reflex... but in my faith, i know she can hear me through her heart...
Replied on Saturday, September 3, 2011 1:43 PM
Hi. I am not a doctor so I do not have their experience with patients. But I want to tell you this: what they really mean when they said 99% of their brain is dead? Even the brain of elderly people can always generate new cells -a peer-review-paper showed recently (neurogenesis). I do not want give you a false hope, but ask them if they have took MRI, DWI, TAC, EEG, SPECT on their brain and how they have arrived to that conclusion.
Replied on Monday, September 26, 2011 11:36 PM
Hi I was told that if the coma patient has Apallachi (not sure of the correct spelling) the family can use Sensory stimulation and its a great chance that it may work. My mother is half coma/vegetative state. Does anyone on here knows how to deal with this? Its so hard. I pray but I need more. My mom is only 56.
Replied on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 12:00 AM
I can imagine and feel what you are going thru because of your mom's coma...My mother in-law was.... it's hard...My prayers is with you and your family...
Replied on Monday, June 28, 2010 12:00 AM
My boyfriend just came out of a coma and he doesn't remember me, his sister, his twin or anyone. He claims both his parents are still alive and standing in front of him when both are dead, one for many years and the other for almost four weeks now. After the latter mentioned parents death, he was hit by a moving vehicular and has had injuries to the brain. But, his doctor says that their is no damage in the part of the brain that causes hallucinations. Is their any way he could somehow be hallucinating these people in front of him that he claims to see, or could he really be seeing something other worldly? And is their anything that we his friends and family can do to help him recover ???
Replied on Friday, June 4, 2010 12:00 AM
NO...he's telling a LIE!...all LIES!
Replied on Monday, June 21, 2010 12:00 AM
hello, i am divey sawheny . i want to tell u that the last comment was wrong ur boyfreind can recover but it requires alot of patience and efforts u will hav to take care of him alot and keep telling him that u r his girl freind or watever and u will hav to keep telling him the last happy meets with him of any meet with him that he cannot forget and keep telling him the condition like when did u meet where did u meet how did u meet him. but u will hav to keep telling him again and again these thing he will not accept that u and he meet anywhere but there will be a time when he will revive trust me be patience
Replied on Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:00 AM
Dear Dr. John Stuart.. I believe your comment was uncalled for and you are a real dick head for saying that. Regards Matthew
Replied on Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:00 AM
Well, I've got some great news <3 My boyfriend came out of it okay and after a bit of not remembering, he finally has his memory back <3
I am glad to report he is healthy and back at work. Thank you for your support Davey Sawhney and Matthew
Replied on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:00 AM
 sky_fry (Guest)
My gf just went into a coma she has been in it for about three days her sister and her got into a fight and my gf head got slammed into a wall and she was bleeding how much longer will she be in a coma plz help me
Replied on Monday, July 12, 2010 12:00 AM
 samprays99 (Guest)
I am 17 years old, and I am going on my fifth month without my boyfriend, he fell into a coma after attempting suicide and hanging himself. luckily the paramedics found him in time and revived him as much as they could. The first two days the doctors and nurses said he had no hope because he had not responded in any way. The past month he has begun to respond to questions by shaking his head yes or no, this is a big improvement compared to how they said he would not make it, he also has response in his eyes now and moves them around. Trust god, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I am currently waiting for him to wake up to this day. I am not allowed to see him for a very hard reason. But everyday I pray and I write him to let him know I am still waiting. Don't lose hope, and let god be your best friend throughout these hard times
Replied on Monday, July 19, 2010 12:00 AM