My mother is in a coma or out of it and might be in a vegetative state. It is heartbreaking for my brother and I. We try to keep busy so we don't have to think about it but its still hard when we go all the time to see my mom and she can't talk to us. I used to talk to my mother everyday. Now the doctors think she wont live too long. She has been this way since January 4th, 2010. 4 months. Now they say she is borderline in between -I just did some more research and it doesn't look good but I have faith and keep praying that she will come out of this. Sometimes i think she is already gone because my son has these dreams about her and his grandma is so cheery and loves to talk to him. Reading these comments helps me because I had no idea that all these people are going through the same thing. I pray for everyone and their families on this post. God Bless
Replied on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:00 AM
My mother, 72 yrs. old is in a deep coma since March 30, 2010. Since a week before this happened, she had pneumonia and she was prescribed with oxigricol (medication from Mexico) she had her first injection on March 27 in the morning and the second injection in the afternoon the same day. When she received the second injection of this medication, she suddenly closed her eyes and felt tired. The next day, Sunday, we took her to the emergency room, where the doctors told us that she was about to have a stroke. They called a helicopter to take her to the Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital to San Antonio. She was there for three weeks. Tests done, MRI, CTscan, lumbar puncture came out negative and the EEG showed some activity in her brain. Doctors don't realy know what happend to her. She had a mild vascular dementia but she tried hard to keep active, eating by herself, showering, taking care of her plants, carrying on a conversation. She also has scoliosis and compressed disks since she was very young. She never smoke or drink. Only GOD knows what ever happened to her. We expect a miracle to happen. We keep praying for her. Everywhere we take her, they pressure us (her children) to disconnect the ventilator. We LOVE Mom. It is hard to do that, but there are not enough places in San Antonio that have ventilators. This is a very difficult time for all of us. Please pray for her and us. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. My e-mail
Replied on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 12:00 AM
Hello Fina55,
There is a natural energy art called Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Aside from being a brain dialog researcher, a clinical hypnotist and a minister, I am also a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner.
A friend of mine lapsed into a coma in 2008. She was in a coma for a few weeks. A friend finally called me and told me about it. I went to the hospital and I instructed my friend in using Jin Shin Jyutsu. The work was done twice.
The next day my friend came out of coma.
There are natural things you can do to bring people out of coma including hypnosis.
You can contact the National Guild of Hypnotists for a hypnotist near you that can write a hypnosis script for stress reduction and guided imagery.
My prayers are with you. Comatalker
Replied on Monday, February 20, 2012 1:40 PM
 onlyhers (Guest)
my girlfriend is in a coma she was driving with her friends and someone poked her side and it makes her jump really bad and they wrecked not to long ago...thats my baby girl i want to marry her i just dont know what to do anymore we are like one and i feel so empty and cold....lifeless you may say....i need her ...i wont make it with out her.. some body pray for us
Replied on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:00 AM
just never give up hope even if it seems hopeless, do look around in hospitals and look for specialists, do not sit and wonder. Just keep looking for treatments. My gf had liver problem for year and half, and just found last week that has liver cancer and already stage 4, in 1 day she completely stopped talking, and since week than no food, no liquid, just drips and no body movement, just opens eyes little but doesn't understand anything said. All this because her family didn't look for best treatment. I know how you feel, its just lifeless, don't know what to do further :[ Doc said she got just few weeks but don't know even if it may go that long. But am still hoping she just wakes up.
Replied on Friday, May 7, 2010 12:00 AM
onlyhers, i know exactly how u feel a couple months ago i lost the 1 n only love of my life i was 8months pregnant with his 1 and only child and planning to marry as well. empty, cold, lifeless and lost is all i now feel. u must pray and keep praying..i didnt pray enough! have 100% faith in god whatever u do. i will as well pray that u do not lose your girlfriend.
Replied on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:00 AM
 Lillian007 (Guest)
Never give up,keep your faith.My daughter's step son Josh,18 years, been in a come from April 1,2010. His progress comes in small steps.Medical Rescue, responded to a 911 call from a friend, and found him unconscience, they work on him for 50 minutes,he was brought back to life. He remains in a coma, but see some progress, show sig=gns of slight movement,when we cal his name he is responding by trying to open his eyes, he opens his eyeswider,his eyes are fixated,that is progress. He is fighting for his life, as we are praying for him to successfully recover. We Believe with all our hearts and soul, Our one true GOD will heal him, and your loved ones. I pray for all who is asleep, to awaken, in Jesus name WE pray.We believe.. Amen
From: Lillian..In Hawaii the big Island
Replied on Sunday, May 9, 2010 12:00 AM
I am with you. My brother is also in a coma and I believe GOD will help us through this.
Replied on Monday, May 10, 2010 12:00 AM
my mom is in coma.. it is really hard.. but all we can do is pray to God.. He is in control of eveerything...
Replied on Thursday, July 8, 2010 12:00 AM
 ycycyc (Guest)
My Bf have beeen in a coma for about 48 days now. Doctor say he is in a semi-coma not a coma. Is the chance of waking up from a coma or a semi coma any different? When they do tests on him he reacts well in a stimilus. His brain waves are reacting too. Doctor says his body is healing fast and his heart is healing too. But he is just not waking up. :( I dont know what to do or what to expect :(
Replied on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:00 AM
I am going thru that too. You have to ust wait. but while you are waiting you keep asking questions, keep doing your online research and keep stimulating your bf there is a bunch of stuff online for this check it out
Replied on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 12:00 AM