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Coma comes from a Greek word meaning deep sleep – a person in a coma is in a profound state of unconsciousness from which they cannot be awakened. This happens usually as a result of injury, disease, or poison.

This online group on coma will help you reach doctors who are familiar with the condition and others who are coping with loved ones in coma.


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About ComaA coma is a deep state of unconsciousness where the affected individual is alive but is not able to react or respond to life around him/her....Read More

Posted on : Friday, July 30, 2010 12:00 AM
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My Father in law just had a stroke between Thursday and Friday morning and they found him on the floor in his apartment. Now he is at the hospital and he is moving when the nurses are touching him. But when my husband and I were talking to him his heart rate goes up and his blood pressure also rises. This is puzzling us and when the nurse was cleaning his respirator with the vacuum thingy it was like he was trying to clear his throat. But how do we know if he will recover. It has only been a few days and the nurses are saying that this is all we can do and that they are telling us to possibly think about pulling the respirator cause he is not getting any better. Why is it that they are saying this to soon, it is not enough time to tell even if he will pull out of this coma. Please pray for him to come out of this please, he is a strong man and we keep saying that he is going to make it. Were praying for him to come back to reality and wake up.
Replied on Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:00 AM

My grandmother is currently in coma. She was struck by a car on Thursday night. The doctors said she had no bodily injury but had internal bleeding in the brain. Not only did she have a stroke but she also slipped into a coma and her body is very swollen. I'm her grandson and seeing this happen to my grandma is killing me. Is it possible that she can recover? Please pray for her, she is a devoted Jehovah's witness. God bless you all
Replied on Monday, March 15, 2010 12:00 AM

Father, We ask You in the name of Christ Jesus to cover "tybeck" and his grandmother with your anoiting. Let your healing power flow into and thru them. We seek the power of Jehovah Jireh-You the Healer. We thank you in advance and rest in your mercy. In the name of Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.
Replied on Friday, March 26, 2010 12:00 AM

I have a question, My son's father whom I was very much in love with was in a car accident in 1995 New Year's Eve actually. He has been in a coma ever since then. At one point I thought he was coming out as I would talk to him he would move he would follow me as I walked from side to side talking to him. He hasn't been on a respirator since the first 48 hours the only thing he has is a feeding tube. My son is now 16 and I would do anything in the World for him to be able to have a conversation with his father and build a relationship with him considering he was an infant at the time of the accident, I pray for you all listed below with similar issues and I ask that you will pray for us during this time. If you know of anything that can help it would greatly be appreciated. Thank you in advance and let's all keep our heads up and Keep praying because God can only tell us when it is there time.
Replied on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:00 AM

I am currently doing some research in regards to a novel i am writing about a coma victim. I came across a few stories of coma victims being temporarily revived with a certain chemical found in sleeping medicines. The chemical is called Zolpidem, and can be found in ambien. Do some google research, it has a pretty high success rate of about 60%. I dont think it has any permanent effects, but im reading that it can have temporary effects. It seems that this drug helps resuscitate areas of the brain which have been damaged and shut due to an accident and have resulted in a coma. Again, if i were you i would read up on it, and definitely try it out. Please let me know if it has any positive effects, i would love to hear about it. God bless. -Andrew fahmy
Replied on Saturday, March 27, 2010 12:00 AM

I pray that the father of your son will be healed in the name of Jesus! I understand how painful it is for someone you loved that's in the state of coma, right now my 17 yr old niece is in coma for over 3 weeks already and we've been praying hard for her to recover..I ask God for healing for the father of your son and for my niece, in Jesus name! Amen!
Replied on Monday, April 12, 2010 12:00 AM

hi dorie i think i can relate to your story completly. i am 16 my father got in his accident in march of 2000 4 days before my 5th birthday so it has been 10 years since his wreck. he was also showing sighns of alot improvement after the first year but the nurse pulled his feeding tube out and put it back in but it went in his intestins so he has not done a thing since then. i was very close with him i would do anything to have atleast one 30 min conversation with him, i will keep you in my prayers. will you please do the same for me?
Replied on Thursday, April 22, 2010 12:00 AM
My mom has been in a coma for 28 days. She had a heart attact and had lack of oxygen to her brain. All of her vitals are good but she is still in a deep coma. Does any one know if there are signs when I person is coming out of a coma to look for?

Replied on Thursday, April 1, 2010 12:00 AM

Replied on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 12:00 AM

Yes.. I teach neuroscience.. First there will be responsiveness to pain and strong sensory stimuli, maybe reflexive [non purposeful movement] eye opening... that is hopefully followed then often by more volitional movement, cognitive responsiveness, attempts at talking.. To help her, talk to her, provide frequent but breif periods of sensory stimulation.. rubbing her arms and legs, having her smell strong smells, and surround her as much as possible with familiar voices, smells and sounds..
Replied on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:00 AM


My Bf have beeen in a coma for about 48 days now. Doctor say he is in a semi-coma not a coma. Is the chance of waking up from a coma or a semi coma any different? When they do tests on him he reacts well in a stimilus. His brain waves are reacting too. Doctor says his body is healing fast and his heart is healing too. But he is just not waking up.
Replied on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:00 AM

My father has been in a coma for 10 years, when he met with an accident in March 2000, just 4 days before my 6th birthday. I am 16 now. He was my best friend. My sister was about 2, I think she didn't know him, which i think is easier for her now because she doesn't have the painful memories. Well about a year after my father's wreck a nurse at a nursing home accidentally pulled his feeding tube out, but instead of putting it directly back in his stomach, she panicked and shoved it into his intestine thinking it was his stomach. This has infected everything inside from medicine, food, and whatever else was put down the tube. Ever since he has showed no signs of improvement whatsoever. I do believe my father can recover, but God only knows. I ask that you please pray for him.
Replied on Thursday, April 22, 2010 12:00 AM

my father has been in a coma 4 months now due to a severe allergic reaction, then 1 month of being in the hospitol in vegetive state the nurse messed up with the feeding tube also, infecting everything, Im 16 also and can kind of relate to your story, this is a truley devestating time for me, He has my prayers
Replied on Sunday, May 2, 2010 12:00 AM

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