Hi, reading all the comments i feel a bit better knowing im not going through this alone. My mom had 4 strokes and is in a level 7 coma. Its been hard. After the second stroke she recovered well and was about to go home and we were packed and ready to take her home, just to get to the hospital and find out she just had another major stroke and lost the right side of her brain.My mom is 58. Living far from a decent hospital i drive 5hrs every week to go and visit her. I wish i knew if she knows that im there. May God hold his hand over all of you and give you peace and understanding and may he stand by my dad through this tough times.
Replied on Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:00 AM
 sandeepr (Guest)
on 6/28/2006 my brother get an electric shock while changing a bulb due to which he had cardiac arrest his heart get restarted approximately 45 minutes later for 18days he was on ventilator.at present he respire through trachosmy tube and we feed him directly through stomach tube by syringe.he feels,opens eyes,sleeps,sneeze show movement in hands,legs but didn't speak his MRI report says 'hypoxia' brain injury my family is doing his proper nursing care,physiotherapy from last 4 years but getting very less improvement what we else do for him reply me
Replied on Friday, July 30, 2010 12:00 AM
you can join me for free distant healing session live at facebook
URL : http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=18894468317
Read more: PatientInfo Comments - Medindia http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/view_comment.asp?id=77#ixzz0xGblp79m
Replied on Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:00 AM
 jpo900 (Guest)
hello. i am i6, and my mom went in to a coma two days ago. she went into the er with stomach pains and a distended stomach. they admitted her to the hospital. the found a UTI and intestine blockage. they gave her pain meds (morphine) quite often. she is diabetic. also they gave her insulin when her slood sugar was 98. they did that before it happened. on tuesday night (wednesday morn, she stopped breathing. and died. but they got her back. now shes in a coma. she opens her eyes when we talk. thats all. i pray for her to know how much i love her.
Replied on Friday, July 30, 2010 12:00 AM
please don't give up hope for your mom. she hears you and she knows you love her. play her music for her, tell her jokes, put on her favorite tv shows if they let you, her soaps, and keep talking to her.
Replied on Friday, July 30, 2010 12:00 AM
i can help coma patients with my distant cosmic sessions ... they can be conscious within 24 hrs after my first given session.... hope so !
About Me :
Researching on modern & ancient cosmic therapies ( Reiki, Chi Kung, Pranic Healing, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Reflexology... etc. ) that are being practice since thousands of years in many different civilizations { Buddhism, Sufism, Egyptians, Japanese, Chinese, etc } by monks, priests & saints, with years of practice and research I have been able to develop some highly strong cosmic healing sessions and techniques that are found to be very effective in healing all kind of chronic diseases in very short time and can be taken in critical situations as a last hope.
Interested in doing further research in healing worse cases using these healing techniques to further improve the efficiency of healing sessions… Currently looking for any organization or individual preferably medical research facility or any doctor who can help me in getting emergency (hopeless) cases at “ICU” for distant healing and provide me feedback to verify the efficiency of these healing sessions
Note: Great improvement can be measured in any worse case within 24 hrs after first given session. Healing sessions are available for adults only (over 15 yrs old).
Replied on Friday, August 20, 2010 12:00 AM
you can join me for free distant healing session…… healing live at facebook URL :
Replied on Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:00 AM
Hi, My brother met with a severe accident and has undergone a massive brain surgery, he has shown a lot of improvements after 72hrs of his surgery however he is unconscious yet Doctors say he is in coma partly because of sedatives and partly due to the injury. please pray for him to be back to normal life soon and be able to perform all activities as before
Thanks Jyoti
Replied on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:00 AM
Hi, My brother met with a severe accident and has undergone a massive brain surgery, he has shown a lot of improvements after 72hrs of his surgery however he is unconscious yet Doctors say he is in coma partly because of sedatives and partly due to the injury. please pray for him to be back to normal life soon and be able to perform all activities as before
Thanks Jyoti
Replied on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:00 AM
 Israrshaik (Guest)
Thanks for providing this oppertunity. My father, Khader Mohiuddin [75Y] went into a comatose state due to so called end stage liver disease and excessive jaundice(15) day before yesterday(26th Oct) evening (8 pm IST). Request for your kind help for an immediate healing session. His other bodyly activities are good. Only no concsiousness, but some times responds to voice by small leg and head shakes.
Replied on Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:30 AM
 dreaminglioness (Guest)
I was in a coma following respiratory failure. I remained in a coma for a week or so following removal from intubation. I could hear my brother when he spoke to me, the sound of the respirator, the pain associated with invasive testing...I was on a boat a great deal of the time. I have scarring on my right wrist from restraints used while on vent. I constantly pounded the bed rail with my hand. I cannot tell the complete story here, but I totally believe coma patients are aware of some version of reality.
Replied on Monday, September 20, 2010 8:13 PM