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Brain and nervous system

The brain is the center of the nervous system; the nervous system is a network of specialized cells that communicate information from the senses to the brain and from the brain back to the muscles and glands.

Diseases of the brain and nervous system can be terrible, and might leave you with an absolute sense of loneliness; but you can locate doctors and many others who are coping with the same things as you in our specialized support group.
Support Groups (20)


Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder caused by the over-production of the growth hormone in adulthood after puberty. It can result in serious illness and premature death.

Additional information on acromegaly and its complications is available at this support group. Also, connect with doctors in this field and learn more on the treatment options, if any.

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease affects the brain’s tissues and gradually destroys an individual’s ability to reason, remember, imagine and learn. It is marked by abnormal plaques and neurofibrillary tangles of brain cells.

Though the exact causes for Alzheimer’s are yet to be understood, researchers have been able to make some progress in this direction. For more information, join the Alzheimer’s support group today!

Anosmia / Loss Of Smell

Anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell, might happen as a result of injury, infection, or genetics. It is more dangerous than people generally imagine – an anosmic person might not be able to smell gas leaks, for example, or bad food.

Join this online anosmia support group to share notes with professionals and patients dealing with anosmia.


Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by problems in social interaction, speech and repetitive and restrictive behaviors. Early intervention, intensive special education and appropriate therapy can help autistic children – and even teenagers and adults – integrate better with other people.

Join our online support group for autism – meet other parents facing the same challenges with their children, and teachers, therapists, and doctors who can help.

Bell's Palsy

Bell's Palsy is a type of sudden and temporary paralysis that causes weakness of facial muscles. The facial nerve that supplies the muscles of the face is affected by the palsy and it is also the most common cause of facial paralysis all over the world.

Bell’s Palsy and its symptoms can be better understood and discussed at this support group on the subject. So sign up today!

Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. They may be cancerous or benign, but both can be severely compromise a person’s health and be life threatening.

Join this online support group for brain tumors to contact doctors and other people and families, all over the world, who are fighting this disease.

Bruxism / Tooth Grinding / Jaw Clenching / Teeth Clenching / Parasomnia

Bruxism, or habitual teeth grinding, can damage the enamel and lead to oversensitive and abraded teeth and can also cause facial pain and headaches. When the tooth is hollow due to cavities, bruxism can lead to the collapse of the tooth. Bruxism is a compulsive habit as well as a sleep disorder, since many people grind their teeth in sleep.

Join our online support group for people coping with bruxism. Ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.


Coma comes from a Greek word meaning deep sleep – a person in a coma is in a profound state of unconsciousness from which they cannot be awakened. This happens usually as a result of injury, disease, or poison.

This online group on coma will help you reach doctors who are familiar with the condition and others who are coping with loved ones in coma.


Dyslexia is a learning disability that manifests itself primarily as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading. It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes.

Febrile Fits / Febrile Convulsions

Convulsions that occur in children in the age group of 6 months to 5 years are medically termed febrile fits. This excludes those convulsions that are precipitated by infection of the brain tissue or its coverings.

To learn more about febrile fits or febrile convulsions, our support group on the subject is the place to be.

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BigJam wrote a discussion post under is there hope for me after all these years? in Anosmia / Loss Of Smell Support Group - 2559 days back
Danny07 wrote a discussion post under Anosmia in the Philippines in Anosmia / Loss Of Smell Support Group - 2561 days back
nrglives replied to nrglives's discussion post under Just My Experience and Approach Following TBI (2 parts) in Anosmia / Loss Of Smell Support Group - 2844 days back
nrglives wrote a discussion post under Just My Experience and Approach Following TBI (2 parts) in Anosmia / Loss Of Smell Support Group - 2844 days back
iriechic replied to Sunilpaul's discussion post under Neurocysticercosis/ Cysticercosis of Brain in Neurocysticercosis / Cysticercosis of Brain Support Group - 2871 days back
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