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Anosmia / Loss Of Smell

Anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell, might happen as a result of injury, infection, or genetics. It is more dangerous than people generally imagine – an anosmic person might not be able to smell gas leaks, for example, or bad food.

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Anosmia / Loss Of Smell

Anosmia is the absence or impairment of the sense of smell. 7% of the people in India suffer from impaired sense of smell. It can be partial or complete....Read More

Posted on : Saturday, November 29, 2008 12:00 AM
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Im 17 and as I recall, have never been able to smell... I'm confused, annoyed, scared and pissed off because when people ask me to smell this or "does this smell nice"... I cant honestly say yes or no... no one believes me either! I can taste fine... BUT NO SMELL!!!
Replied on Thursday, January 7, 2010 12:00 AM

hello hp_hereo,
Are you sure you don't have Kallman's syndrome? A good way to know is if you have delayed puberty, or extra long arms and legs. Maybe you have to go to an endocinologist to have it checked.
Replied on Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:00 AM

hi I am 15 and I have the same problem. It sucks and sometimes I just want to cry. My friends don't believe me. When I tell people I'm worried about rotten food or gas leaks they laugh [even my doctor] I know it feels like there is nobody else like you sometimes but there is and we just have to know for ourselves what we are
Replied on Monday, February 8, 2010 12:00 AM

Im 21 and I have never been able to smell either. As a full time college student and mother of two it is hard and annoying not being able to smell. You just have to always check the dates on everything you eat, and it helps if you have a close friend to ask if something smells good or bad. Especially when you have a baby running around with a poopy diaper and everybody knows it but you. LOL
Replied on Friday, February 19, 2010 12:00 AM

hey. you should be taken seriously for this disability, especially by your doctor. im 17 now and have been trying to be taken seriously since i was very young. since my last visit to the doctors, he told me that because i was under 16, the previous doctors did not take me seriously because of my age!! this is an outrage!! you really need to get through to your doctor, its something that most people take for granted and so the unfortunate ones like us, being anosmia and not something more serious such as blindness, we get forgotton about, especially because we are young. just keep pushing your doctor to do more and try get an appointment with a neurologist.
Replied on Monday, August 2, 2010 12:00 AM

im 17 now and have been trying to be taken seriously since i was very young. since my last visit to the doctors, he told me that because i was under 16, the previous doctors did not take me seriously because of my age!! you really need to get through to your doctor, its something that most people take for granted and so the unfortunate ones like us, being anosmia and not something more serious such as blindness, we get forgotton about, especially because we are young. just keep pushing your doctor to do more and try get an appointment with a neurologist.
Replied on Monday, August 2, 2010 12:00 AM

I know exactly what you're going through, I'm 15 now and I've never smelled a thing. Yet nobody believes me, and those who do tell me I probably have no sense of taste either, because that's what they read on wikipedia.
Replied on Monday, February 22, 2010 12:00 AM

hey, i believe you. I'm 20 and I've never experienced smelling anything at all too.i grew up getting all excited to go to school because i thought smelling would be taught by my teacher in class. Today, i'm still an anosmic and i think it helped me build my own personality. it really made me feel that i am unique. smelling blunders have given me something to laugh at. Just dont worry much, you're not alone.
Replied on Monday, May 3, 2010 12:00 AM

im 34 and never smelt a thing it some of my mates still dont believe til this day i wud love to smell my mums roast or any sort of food or perfume maybe 1 day.
Replied on Monday, July 26, 2010 12:00 AM

I lost my sense of smell and, subsequently, taste about 6 months ago. The ENT says my sinuses are totally clogged, probably, due to allergens. The only thing that helps is courses of prednisone, but, because of the other issues surrounding prednisone, the doctor says I can't use it. He did mention an operation, but my research shows only a 40-50% success rate, besides, risk of complications and pain. I lost 25 pounds in 3 months. Everything taste like cardboard. I miss chocolate, spaghetti sauce and chinese food, as well as, so much more. If anyone has any ideas that might help, I'll pretty much try anything. Nobody else understands, they don't take it seriously. It just really sucks and I'm tired of it.
Replied on Friday, January 29, 2010 12:00 AM

I totally understand what you are going through. I lost my sense of smell in June 2009. I got a serious flu bug and that resulted in me getting asthma. I was prescribed steroid inhalers to control it but my sinuses were totally blocked. Like you I got prescribed oral steroids which made my sense of smell come back for a few weeks and then go again. All my nasal tissue is polypoid so surgery is not possible in my case. Got an allergy test at the hospital this week so hopefully that may shed some light. It is so depressing. I do find that Neilmed is good [just a simple squeezy bottle and easier to use than the netti pot, you get it in most big pharmacies], fill it with warm water and add a neilmed sachet and squeeze it gently up each nostril in turn. It really helps the sinus blockage and breathing but no sense of smell yet. My aunt suggests acupuncture so think I will give that a go too. Good luck.
Replied on Sunday, February 7, 2010 12:00 AM

Hi, I was wondering if you had a virus or a respiratory infection before you lost your sense of smell? I had one about a month ago and my sense of smell has not returned. I am afraid this may be permanent! I totally understand how you feel... I heard of people getting this from head injuries or other neurological issues, as well as some nasal sprays, but I never heard of anyone losing their sense of smell from a virus... Thanks!
Replied on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 12:00 AM
I have had total loss of sense of smell for 12 years now. I have had a long history of hayfever, allergic rhinitis, and allergies culminating in surgery for sinus wash etc. 3 years ago , which made no difference to my sense of smell but has reduced the irritation I suffered from a constantly blocked nose. However, the total loss I experienced only came after the birth of my first child where I had an epidural. I wondered if there was a link between this and my loss of smell as I had a full sense of smell the very day before this epidural was administered but had totally gone in the days afterwards. Any ideas on this being a possible cause? Or does anyone have any hints or tips to try? The only things which have worked have been steriods or visiting countries with more humid climates than the UK!!
Replied on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 12:00 AM

I was in an accident where I hit my nose and lost my smell. Its been about 3 or 4 years now. I don't like not being able to smell and it really bothers me especially when people that don't know about it try and ask me to smell something for them like perfume or food. I also have trouble breathing out of my nose.

Is there anything I can do to get my smell back and fix what's wrong with my nose? Does anyone know?
Replied on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 12:00 AM

I had a bad fall after the birth of my baby and now have not been able to smell for 10 years. I have had MRI's and Cat Scans but I have been informed that there is no cure. Also, after six months there is doubt that it will ever come back. There is danger though. Example is if I'm cooking something and unable to tell if it is burning. But I try to remind myself that if I had to lose any one of my senses I'm glad it was the smelling. Good luck and hopefully one day they will find a cure :-]
Replied on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:00 AM

My dear friends I had a accident about a year ago...I was hit in the nose and also sufferd a brain injury.. i am not quiet sure which one caused the complete loss of smell i can still taste but very little about 5 percent sweet stuff mostly.. I miss the smell of good food..of the fresh air before it rains..the smell of a beautiful woman.. I am 22 years old and dont want to live the rest of my life like this... its nice to know im not alone keep your head up guys...
Replied on Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:00 AM

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