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Asked By : sunny_321

Asked on : 08 Feb 2012   

blood sugar is high,have started with clots on both feets, already taking glyiciphage 2g ,getting fat ,already suffering from sinal cord injury,ie L1 burst fracture with praglesis since 3 years,kindly suggest a medicine

Asked By : sushil1957

Asked on : 28 Oct 2011   

My nephew Rajiv 36 was badly injured in road accident on may 23, 2011. He got diffuse axonal injury and multi focal hematoma. He opened eye on 7-6-11. In process of recovery, suddenly on 20-6-11, he became severe hypoxic. Sliped again in coma. after 15 days opened eye, but limbs not active, but has good sensation. Eye ball fixed. Then after 4.5 monts has passed. Present position is eye ball moves, not verbal responce, no all four limb movement, but have sensation. responce given by eye some times only. Physiotherepy continues at CMC vellore. pl. give some suggestions and what is the future.

Asked By : mansimehra

Asked on : 28 Jan 2012   

i m suffering from depression & i take 20-20 disprin medicine some time......

what is the side effect of disprin.

& pls give me ur contact detail so i can discuss my problem with u????????
can u help me??????????????

Asked By : abegela

Asked on : 06 Aug 2010   

my father had 87 yrs old man who has lower extermity problem, just like paralysis and he can't move him self and also has the problem of not controling defication and urination and exccesive salivation,so what is this problem?

Asked By : TaniT

Asked on : 31 Jan 2012   

I have been having problems with high blood pressure for a while now. My doctor put me on a low dose diuretic which has lowered it a few points. My issue is that the longer I sit the higher my blood pressure goes. Once I get up and moving around or lay down it seems to bring my blood pressure back down. I am a computer programmer and I sit all day writing code. Could I somehow be effecting renin excretion by sitting? Or something else? I also have sinus tachycardia my resting heart rate averages at about 110.

As an example I have been sitting for an hour now and my bp is 149/73

Asked By : wkumar

Asked on : 20 Mar 2011   

I am a widow and a mother (79 yrs) of a down syndrome son of 35 years old. I am from UP but moved to bangalore so that I can provide some vocational training and help to my son. Since my husband passed away it has been a challenge for both me and my son. He is still in shock and now expresses it in violence sometime. Please help me find a support group that can provide some guidance to me. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Asked By : sreekanth1980

Asked on : 18 Jan 2013   

My son of 5 months has been administered all vaccines as per the vaccination chart given by doctors at his birth till date.Now there is a goverment polio programme scheduled in the city.Should i stick to the chart given or should this extra polio dose be taken.

Kindly advice


Asked on : 15 Sep 2011   

Hello , My spouse is under preganancy duration and she has completed her 8 and half Months however now in last ultraasound she has been found with MILD OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS ....
I am understandble with Internet docs that this is something less fluid where baby present for 9 Months ...I need you assistance to understand in this case how she can avoid this MILD to become Major or sever and what could be the impacts as wel as what are precautions to be taken to get her and baby our of danger

Asked By : priya123456

Asked on : 19 Dec 2011   

suggest some medicine about headache

Asked By : Ashkhan

Asked on : 10 Sep 2012   

Hi, Recently my son who just turned 10 last month was diagnosed with Ambylopia of his right eye.He has 20/400 as his vision with -11 as his power.We have started patching of his good eye, and putting corrective lense and making the activities and some eye exercises.Few of my concerns are 1) Are we too late since he turned 10 2) How long should Occlusion or patching should be done for him.We usually do 2 - 3 hrs of aggressive Patching once he comes back from school.He doesnt wear glasses o school as his normal - left eye has 20/20 vision.Due to the huge disparity between the two eyes and it's vision, glasses were not advised. 3) Are there any specific exercises, to remove the lazy eye, or any vision therapy centers in India? Thank you for our advise.Will eagerly waiting for your response.

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