Asked By : wkumar
Asked on : 20 Mar 2011
Status : published
I am a widow and a mother (79 yrs) of a down syndrome son of 35 years old. I am from UP but moved to bangalore so that I can provide some vocational training and help to my son. Since my husband passed away it has been a challenge for both me and my son. He is still in shock and now expresses it in violence sometime. Please help me find a support group that can provide some guidance to me. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Asked By : billemc
Asked on : 12 Jun 2010
Status : published
I have just recently been diagnosed with moderate ulcerative colitis. I keep hearing about the benefits of aloe vera as a treatment. Is aloe vera beneficial?
Asked on : 15 Sep 2011
Status : published
Hello , My spouse is under preganancy duration and she has completed her 8 and half Months however now in last ultraasound she has been found with MILD OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS .... I am understandble with Internet docs that this is something less fluid where baby present for 9 Months ...I need you assistance to understand in this case how she can avoid this MILD to become Major or sever and what could be the impacts as wel as what are precautions to be taken to get her and baby our of danger
Asked By : FrancisAV
Asked on : 02 Oct 2012
Status : published
Dear Sirs, I have been very anxious to know more on how to help myself concerning weight loss. I have 104kg, and height is 174cm, and i have a broken thigh bone, now treating and needs to reduce drastically the weight. What do i do to take down this weigh by 25kgs more faster and have not to suffer from much hunger or any other deficiency ?? Thanks for whoever helps me. Francis A V
Asked By : vincent4117
Asked on : 12 May 2012
Status : published
Hello dear doctor!I have all these symptoms already a year,I have had sex only once and I was protected(last january ). After some time I noticed,that after cumming there are some red marks on my penis head(It happens every time I ejaculate).It doesn't hurt,I don't feel anything uncomfortable with it,sometimes the head is very dry(mostly in the morning). After I urinate or wash the head, everything disappears in an hour or two.I don't know what to do,what kind of analyses to take,please help me!! Here are high quality pictures,first 2 are BEFORE masturbating.Third,fourth and fifth are about 5 minutes AFTER ejaculation and the last two photos are after an hour. Plus an hour later everything is as there wasn't anything happened with my penis head. The PASSWORD for the album is- 123456 The photos are here-
Asked By :
Asked on : 02 Apr 2011
Status : published
my daughter sonal aged 13 yrs was diagnosed with classic PAN on 12/01/2011.her ct angio abdomen showed multiple micro aneuryms in renal and hepatic vasculature and spleen infarcts.with treatment of last 2.5 month fever,skin rashes.ulcer and ht were stable but she has persistent severe pain/ cramps in abdomen .no medecine i.e. buscopan, meva c. meftl spasm gives any relief because of this we have to give fortwin half ampule almost daily.her endoscopy, sonography. blood/ urine test are normal except high esr and crp.kindly suggest /guide. . she is on immunosupprecent. she has been given 4 th dose of endoxan 500mg.her present medicine are .1. omnicotrtol 25 mg daily 2. shellcal 500mg b.d.3. envas 7.5 mg b.d.,4. clonidine 150mcg b.d. trental 200mg bd.5.cinex dt 3tab.6.pantocid 20mg bd.7ecospring 150 mg daily.8amlong 10 mg daily syp digene 10ml and syp sucralfate 10mg 3 times a day 9. syp. lactoloose 10 mg daily. 10. tab. acitron 2mg daily.
Asked By : TaniT
Asked on : 31 Jan 2012
Status : published
I have been having problems with high blood pressure for a while now. My doctor put me on a low dose diuretic which has lowered it a few points. My issue is that the longer I sit the higher my blood pressure goes. Once I get up and moving around or lay down it seems to bring my blood pressure back down. I am a computer programmer and I sit all day writing code. Could I somehow be effecting renin excretion by sitting? Or something else? I also have sinus tachycardia my resting heart rate averages at about 110. As an example I have been sitting for an hour now and my bp is 149/73
Asked By : sunny_321
Asked on : 08 Feb 2012
Status : published
blood sugar is high,have started with clots on both feets, already taking glyiciphage 2g ,getting fat ,already suffering from sinal cord injury,ie L1 burst fracture with praglesis since 3 years,kindly suggest a medicine
Asked By : Eureka20
Asked on : 03 Feb 2013
Status : published
I want to loose some weight.....the diet which I follow now consists of oats, fruits, cucumber, green tea and egg whites. I sometimes eat microwaved fish without any oil. Will this diet lead to weight loose? But when I feel hungry I eat Kellogg's corn flakes without milk as snacks....Will it result in weight gain? Is Nutrichoice Thin Arrowroot biscuit fatty?
Asked By :
Asked on : 21 Nov 2012
Status : published
One of my friend munib does not get those jerks during ejaculation while having intercourse with his wife, with the result he does not enjoy his sexual act. He has two sons and he says he had this problem from the 1st day of marriage. He is 38 yrs old. My another friend is a doctor who prescribed him medicine cobamet. Want to know whether it will help him and when and for how much time he needs to take it. And whether it has got any side effects