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Asked By : FrancisAV

Asked on : 02 Oct 2012   

Dear Sirs, I have been very anxious to know more on how to help myself concerning weight loss. I have 104kg, and height is 174cm, and i have a broken thigh bone, now treating and needs to reduce drastically the weight. What do i do to take down this weigh by 25kgs more faster and have not to suffer from much hunger or any other deficiency ?? Thanks for whoever helps me. Francis A V

Asked By : Banday

Asked on : 09 Feb 2013   

i have sperm leaking problem whenever i talked my fiancy or some bad idea came in my mind i get leaked some sperms due to which i feel weakness, please assist me to get rid this issue..

Asked By : kymanoj

Asked on : 18 Dec 2012   

Dear Experts,

I'm of 25 age and getting married in Feb 2013. I'm of 85 kg and my height is 6.1 feet. But these days I'm automatically loosing weight and in the last 20 days I might have lose 5 kg weight. I don't know why I'm loosing so much weight. my diet is normal as earlier and there is not any kind of tension in my mind. But after measuring my weight I'm really nervous and don't know what to do. Please advise. Thanks a lot for your time.

Asked By : Rahman24

Asked on : 25 Jul 2012   

how can i lose weight...i have 700 calories a day ...but m having a sedentary lifestyle n i cnt change dat...plz tell me a way! i am right now 101.7 kgs n my height is 5'5"...m 30 yrs old and also i have uric acid kidny stone problem due to this problem i have too much pain in my right leg ankulam...plz tell me a good way!

Thank you very much

Asked By : Rohit_777

Asked on : 16 May 2012   

Sir, I m 25 male, India, i having problem with growth of beard, i have beard on my chin and nech but I dont have beard on my face, i want growth my beard on face please tell me what to do? tell me any tablets or supplyment.

Asked By : dinesh.soulfly

Asked on : 02 Feb 2013   

Respected Sirs,
My friend is suffering from nose bleed from the past two years. This happens randomly all throughout the year.

Asked By : Eureka20

Asked on : 03 Feb 2013   

I want to loose some weight.....the diet which I follow now consists of oats, fruits, cucumber, green tea and egg whites. I sometimes eat microwaved fish without any oil. Will this diet lead to weight loose? But when I feel hungry I eat Kellogg's corn flakes without milk as snacks....Will it result in weight gain? Is Nutrichoice Thin Arrowroot biscuit fatty?

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 02 Apr 2011   

my daughter sonal aged 13 yrs was diagnosed with classic PAN on 12/01/2011.her ct angio abdomen showed multiple micro aneuryms in renal and hepatic vasculature and spleen infarcts.with treatment of last 2.5 month fever,skin rashes.ulcer and ht were stable but she has persistent severe pain/ cramps in abdomen .no medecine i.e. buscopan, meva c. meftl spasm gives any relief because of this we have to give fortwin half ampule almost daily.her endoscopy, sonography. blood/ urine test are normal except high esr and crp.kindly suggest /guide. . she is on immunosupprecent. she has been given 4 th dose of endoxan 500mg.her present medicine are .1. omnicotrtol 25 mg daily 2. shellcal 500mg b.d.3. envas 7.5 mg b.d.,4. clonidine 150mcg b.d. trental 200mg bd.5.cinex dt 3tab.6.pantocid 20mg bd.7ecospring 150 mg daily.8amlong 10 mg daily syp digene 10ml and syp sucralfate 10mg 3 times a day 9. syp. lactoloose 10 mg daily. 10. tab. acitron 2mg daily.

Asked By : billemc

Asked on : 12 Jun 2010   

I have just recently been diagnosed with moderate ulcerative colitis. I keep hearing about the benefits of aloe vera as a treatment. Is aloe vera beneficial?

Asked By : Gaurav1987

Asked on : 16 Dec 2012   

I am a 26 years old boy. My skin type is oily. I have problem of acne(since 17 age) especially very severe in winters. They develops under the skin, cysts are formed, and leaves red scars the generally takes months to fade. I feel very bad and losing confidence to interact with people.9 months ago I had taken Allopathic treatment and the doc prescribed me isotretinoin. It worked wonders and cleaned up all pimples and scars in 3 months. but it had side affects . I started losing my hairs and thining . SO i have discontinued it 5 months ago and now my face has become prone to acne again and getting 1-2 pimples weekly...I dont know what to do, I dont want to go back to allopathic treatment. Alos my father had acne problem too always. His face is pitted. Please help me and email me at : gaurav.ait09@gmail.com

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