Asked By :
Asked on : 17 Apr 2012
Status : published
when the lady knows that she is pregnent and she don't want child now and if she will take INTIMACY PLUS 3 medicine what will happen ? will she missed her child?
Asked By : praveengrnko
Asked on : 09 Feb 2013
Status : published
hello sir, I'm a 56year old person suffering from lung cancer stage 4 and taking chemotherapy oral tablets presently ,My doubt is that can i undergo a naturopathy treatment when undergoing chemotherapy simultaneously. Thanking You Praveen
Asked By :
Asked on : 17 Dec 2010
Status : published
can advice me sex tips to satisfy a girl having sex withe her for secound time????
Asked By : saithan
Asked on : 13 Oct 2011
Status : published
Dear Doctor, I got to know about your institute from a friend . My 6 year old daughter Komal has been diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. She is 119 Cms tall with Arm length of 124 Cms ,17 kgs of weight. She has in both her eyes Sublexation of lenses for which she is going to be have an complicated & expensive surgery at Ahmedabad after Diwali. Also after her echo test she has been diagnosed with heart defects (MVPS & TVPS) for which the treatment has been started to reduce the pressure on the heart. I have attached the copies of the report herewith. I being a responsible father is much much worried regarding the future of my child and how to treat this critical situation. So i request you to please guide me and help me on the same. Hoping for your kind early response. Warm regards, Saithan Singh 09414634438
Asked By :
Asked on : 22 Jan 2012
Status : published
what are the benefits & hazards of oral sex
Asked By :
Asked on : 30 Dec 2011
Status : published
Hi, I am23 years old male. i am suffering from piles. i have consulted with doctor regarding this problem. He told me that i have external piles and they are total 4 lumps all around the anus. He told me that to disappear piles completely we will have to cut them, but after this process i will suffer with intense pain for at least 4 days. Is there any other option to disappear external piles completely? will stapler surgery work for external piles? Please guide me on this. Thanks!
Asked By : catwalk
Asked on : 20 May 2012
Status : published
I have lithotripsy and a ureteroscopy scheduled to be done this week, I just started my period. Will the procedures still be able to be performed while menstruating ?
Asked By : AwaitingArrival
Asked on : 08 Jan 2012
Status : published
I am so nervous about going into labor next month. My first orignally due date based on my last period was on Feb.8th, but the ultrasound estimated due date is Feb. 21st. The baby is little when I was 26 weeks she was only 1 pound and 4 ounces. So I think she's going to come early. I really freaking out becuase I do not like pain and I have to get a Epidural and medicine throught the Catheter else nothing won't get accomplished. My family told me I am close built. Will that give me complications? Also when would be the best time to go to the hospital because I heard you should try to walk and don't rush to the Hospital. What's the earliest I can recieve an epidural, and they they run out? If so could i get anotherr one? Lastily, when would it be too late to recieve any medication and the epidural?
Asked By : phnsai
Asked on : 09 May 2012
Status : published
Hi sir, i was nearly 110 kgs weight .Started eating brown rice.Does it makes me somthing decrease weight .Please let me know
Asked By :
Asked on : 12 Oct 2012
Status : published
is there and kind of tablets that can be taken to get rid of man breast problem?