Asked By :
Asked on : 07 Mar 2012
Status : published
I tried to have sex but cudn't be successful because it was painful. the penis didnt go deeper than an inch. But the semen did. I am not pregnant but i want to know if i am still virgin?
Asked By : ajine33
Asked on : 16 Oct 2011
Status : published
hello sir, iam ajine from salem . my child age 3 she affected dependem to both ear.what medical expence of operation and how much sum assured take a mediclaim policy?
Asked By : imran1104
Asked on : 05 Jun 2012
Status : published
ear doctor, i belong to pakistan.i m primary teacehr by profession at govt scohool. dear dr i suffer from sugar from 2 age is 30.i am taking poizer plus 15/500(pioglitazole15mg+metaformin hydrochloride 500mg).half tablet after breakfast.and haalf after dineer,i chked my blood suger level is 160 fast.urine suger is +++.pls guide me what i should do.i have to support my fmily.i am so upset.i am taking full guide me pls give me suger specialist email ID so that i may contact him directly or u guide me muhammad imran pls send me your advise in my email
Asked By : anoop1
Asked on : 20 Nov 2012
Status : published
. i need your valubale adive. doctor me and my wife staying in saudi arabia. am working here and i have one kid. now his age is around 2 years.upto now my wife using capsule for birthcontrol. now i plan to go vacation for 10 days to kerala. doctor my planning is for 3 years we dont need another baby. now am afraid to take too much capsules. doctor can u suggest some other methids. i check in internet i found some methods, copeer t , sponge and rings etc... but my wife check with her friend regarding the copper t, they told its very painful and to much irtations. please give us good advice.
Asked By : prenet
Asked on : 29 Oct 2012
Status : published
I am 57 years old and my weight is 64 kg. I underwent a bypass surgery last year and since then my heart was beating down (my normal pulse rate is 40-48) which Still continues. There is no pain in my heart, but I'm too tired to sit up or movement. My BP and Sugar remains high for 6 months after surgery & Now I have BP 145/90 and sugar 82/125 But I am worried about my lower heart rate which comes down to 34 sometimes, please suggest a diet or medicine. I'm currently taking prescription drugs Lanoxin 0.25(sometimes i stopped taking it), carvil 3.125, Moxovas 0.3, Planep 25, echospirin 150, Telsive 40, Unistar 75, Anjispan TR, Torget 20 etc. I would like to know whether medicine does any affect to heart beat. Kindly advise based on any side effects/interaction of these drugs. Thanking you.
Asked By : mark2
Asked on : 12 Mar 2012
Status : published
Hi, 10 years ago I was in the north of Thailand in a Malaria hotspot, I was bitten numerous times and was not taking any anti malarial drugs at the time. A few days later I became quite ill and was admitted to hospital for 4 days in which time I was regularly tested for malaria which always came back negative. In the last few years I get struck down with what starts as a bad sore throat then manifests into flu like symptoms, shivering, fever, head aches and complete exhaustion. I normally suffer with this a couple of times a year. I was wondering if I could of contracted malaria all those years ago as I believe it is not always easy to detect?
Asked By : BKPATHAK31011967
Asked on : 10 Mar 2012
Status : published
My father is 73 years old and recently diagnose DIAGNOS At ILBS Delhi ,Metastatic Liver disease,Carcinoma Lung - right upper lobe (Primary),Type 2 diabetes mellitus SYSTEMIC REVIEW: CECT abdomen showed multiple metastases in liver.USG guided liver SOL FNAC showed features of poorly differentiated carcinoma. CEA was elevated. UGIE showed mild antral hypopigmentation which on biopsy showed active gastitis.Colonoscopy was normal. CECT chest showed right upper lobe mass lesion with mediastinal metastases and right pleural effusion. He then underwent CT guided trucut biopsy of the lung mass. Report awaited. After looking at EGFR status on biopsy, plan to chnage to combination chemotherpy but Tab ernotinib not started. As it was peripherally located lesion, likely possibility was non small cell carcinoma lung. Subsequently patient was discharged with following advise. To review in medical Oncology OPD on Monday ie 12-03-2012 with biopsy report. I had tested Sugar level (PP) & Fasting of my father and found that sugar level is very very high (410 - 608). Admitted in the hospital and examination of ILBS lab showed uncontrolled sugars with RBS of 300, leucocytosis with count 16,000 and raised SAP and GGT. There were no feature of DKA. Urine Ketones were negative and ABG showed no acidosis. He has started insulin infusion and sugars controlled. Soon chnaged to OHAs. Advise Tab Glycomet SR 500 mg (with Lunch), Tab Amaryl 1 mg ( Before Break Fast )
Asked By : aswathy08
Asked on : 16 Jan 2012
Status : published
I lost my smell before 4years,i want to know the treatment if possible
Asked By : FrogS
Asked on : 12 May 2012
Status : published
I vomited shortly after taking my blood pressure medicine. Later that day, I asked a nurse at work to check my blood pressure. It was 210/120. Should I take my medicine again if I vomit? How do I know if I am taking too much? I couldnt tell if i threw up my medication or not.