Asked By : johnny85
Asked on : 14 Feb 2013
Status : published
I will describe you my situation in many details as I can remember. I had protective (condom) oral sex (giving) with unknown man of unknown HIV status. It lasted couple of minutes, and he did not ejaculate at all. The condom I believe did not burst, but it was dark, and I could not tell for sure. Four days later I began feeling sick, and had low fever. On the fifth day, fever was getting worse (101.8) and lasted for day and a half like that. Although it is flu period currently, I am a little bit scared, but also there were some good reasons for me to catch flu certainly. I did not have sore throat (just a little bit), no skin rash, and no swollen lymph nodes. Also on the 6th day after possible infection, I did not have fever at all. I feel tired a little bit, but I believe it is bcs of the fever. I have read on the Internet that ASR symptoms develop from 2-4 weeks after possible infection and not this soon. Is this true? Also, could you please tell me what was my risk in your opinion? Thank you very much
Asked By : Tomen
Asked on : 06 Feb 2012
Status : published
Thanks a lot for response, but it was too short make plan to go kolkata at that particular date. because i have to book train 0r flight ticket before to go there. As u say speech therapy is must at this stage, plize advise where to take him for speech therapy and best suitable hospitals. I am staying at Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh and I havelow financial status.
Asked By : smgupta1947
Asked on : 12 Mar 2010
Status : published
How to start a discussion?
Asked By : dpo007
Asked on : 29 Feb 2012
Status : published
I am so confused and left with no hope at all. I am suffering from PE. I just cant find myself to be a man of whom i'm supposed to be. All my friends do talk about their affairs with their girlfriends but i feel low to share mine. I was always afraid wen my girlfriend was around wit the panic of this stain(PE) b4 she totally discovered my weakness & said she aint interested anymore. This might though be somehow awkward for a teenager like me to say, but i had to used one proverb dat says & thus quote "a stitch in time saves nine". I am afraid if perhaps, i'l spend d rest of my adult life in this misery. I am eighteen-yr-old. Pls what am i going to do ? I'm taunted!
Asked By :
Asked on : 28 Aug 2011
Status : published
Does chlorpheneramine is useful in acute pancreatitis
Asked By : b12as
Asked on : 18 Jan 2012
Status : published
I am 26 year old male.I m suffering from bleeding piles,but there is no pain and swelling(only bleeding after taking medicine bleeding will stop a nd its happens after 2-3 month gap).My Dr suggests me operation.Is operation is only cure.Pls suggest what should I do.
Asked By :
Asked on : 19 May 2012
Status : published
I diagnosed with diabetes as 226/385 (F/PP). Please advise the pill and diet
Asked on : 08 Aug 2012
Status : published
Hi, after birth I found blood clots in my baby's brain. There are patches in his brain in scanning report.Doctors saying any thing can happen to him might be epilepsy might be mental disorder he might be cured also but I am scared with this.He was 2kg weight after birth now after 3 months he is 3.5 kg. I am asking Dr. manas Panigrahi , Sir what could be done next. Please suggest me.
Asked By : lfoster0789
Asked on : 07 Dec 2011
Status : published
I get a sharp excruciating pain in my pelvic area on the left side and on the very bottom of my tailbone. When I get the pain on my tailbone I have an issue with walking, sitting and laying down same with the pain in my pelvic area it hurts extremely bad. Along with these issue my menstrual flow is usually a dark brown to black in color. I frequently urinate, and it is extremely painful during sexual intercourse, also frequent constipation, and pain when producing a stool. I've had this issue since I was 15 I am now 22. I told my former gynecologist endo runs in the family and that my mother had it along with my grandmother and aunt along with ovarian cysts, and she said there is no reason to have me tested, even though my mom's doctor highly suggests it. What should I do about this? I've tried taking Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and birth control pills to help with the pain like the doctor said and nothing has helped.