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Asked By : vasanth83

Asked on : 28 Mar 2012   

Hi Sir,

I have gastric problem since 1 week.. i went to doctor examine , he given the Pantop-P and EMDEX Suspension syrup. i ma taking this prescription. still i have some pain in stomach . please suggest me in this and tell me the foods to avoid and eat to control the gastric problem.

Thank you

Asked By : Vijay69

Asked on : 02 Sep 2012   

My son ,14yrs old, is getting frequent fits inspite of using regular medicines prescribed by doctors i.e.Topomac,eptoin for the last 2 years.Fits are recurring after gap span of 8 years.Earlier fits occurred when he has undergone open heart surgery and brain got injured due to oxygen short supply.is there any permanent treatement for the fits?

Asked By : johnny85

Asked on : 14 Feb 2013   

I will describe you my situation in many details as I can remember. I had protective (condom) oral sex (giving) with unknown man of unknown HIV status. It lasted couple of minutes, and he did not ejaculate at all. The condom I believe did not burst, but it was dark, and I could not tell for sure.

Four days later I began feeling sick, and had low fever. On the fifth day, fever was getting worse (101.8) and lasted for day and a half like that. Although it is flu period currently, I am a little bit scared, but also there were some good reasons for me to catch flu certainly.

I did not have sore throat (just a little bit), no skin rash, and no swollen lymph nodes. Also on the 6th day after possible infection, I did not have fever at all. I feel tired a little bit, but I believe it is bcs of the fever.

I have read on the Internet that ASR symptoms develop from 2-4 weeks after possible infection and not this soon. Is this true? Also, could you please tell me what was my risk in your opinion?

Thank you very much

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 30 Dec 2011   

I am23 years old male. i am suffering from piles. i have consulted with doctor regarding this problem. He told me that i have external piles and they are total 4 lumps all around the anus. He told me that to disappear piles completely we will have to cut them, but after this process i will suffer with intense pain for at least 4 days. Is there any other option to disappear external piles completely? will stapler surgery work for external piles? Please guide me on this.

Asked By : lfoster0789

Asked on : 07 Dec 2011   

I get a sharp excruciating pain in my pelvic area on the left side and on the very bottom of my tailbone. When I get the pain on my tailbone I have an issue with walking, sitting and laying down same with the pain in my pelvic area it hurts extremely bad. Along with these issue my menstrual flow is usually a dark brown to black in color. I frequently urinate, and it is extremely painful during sexual intercourse, also frequent constipation, and pain when producing a stool. I've had this issue since I was 15 I am now 22. I told my former gynecologist endo runs in the family and that my mother had it along with my grandmother and aunt along with ovarian cysts, and she said there is no reason to have me tested, even though my mom's doctor highly suggests it. What should I do about this? I've tried taking Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and birth control pills to help with the pain like the doctor said and nothing has helped.

Asked By : natalia1982

Asked on : 28 Sep 2012   

My brother in law was in a really bad skate boarding accident 4 months ago. He fell several times off his skate board, well the last time he was knocked unconscious.He was rushed to a hospital,drs said it was unlikely he would even survive the night, he had brian surgery as soon as he arrived to relieve the swelling and was in a medicially induced coma. Now 4 months later, he has a lot of movement, he opens his eyes. It seams like he is trying to follow the vioce when someone speaks to him, but his tempature keeps spiking. His blood preasure gets dangerously low then later in the day it will get really high. We are afraid he may have a heart attack. Is all this normal? Part of the coma?

Asked By : AsitKanta

Asked on : 16 Nov 2012   

How to aviod Diabetes

Asked By : Sana786

Asked on : 27 Oct 2011   

Most Respected Doctor
Good day,

With due respect, it is stated that I am pregnant since 4th month ago & suffering from ovarian cystic disease\problem, according to obstetrical ultrasound report its measuring 13.1 X 7.4 cm seen in right side of pelvis & my doctor advise me for operation & possible abortion, whereas me & my family don't ready for this operation. Now days I am very anxious therefore you are requested to please advise me as per your vast experience something else & what I should do....how to handle this situation I need your help please…

FYI, mean time I am using homeopathic medicine but as you know that it is very slow way of treatment.

Looking forward for your positive response.

Many thanks and best regards
Sana Mohib

Asked By : vanaalika

Asked on : 22 Dec 2010   

My daughter is 16months od a and is 8kg only. she never even increases 100gm also. shehad denguein oct 2010 and fits in dec 2010. his birth wt was 2.75kg.advise me how can i increase her weight. what is the ideal weight for 16months baby.

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 17 Dec 2010   

can advice me sex tips to satisfy a girl having sex withe her for secound time????

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