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Genetic Testing of Diseases

Genetic testing can show you if you have a genetic disease or an inherited vulnerability to certain diseases. You can then know if you need to take precautions to avoid getting diseases that run in your family, or to avoid passing them on to your children.

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Genetic Testing of Diseases

Genetic testing involves the study of genetic material, using laboratory techniques, to detect a genetic condition in an individualGenetic testing is usually used to diagnose a disorder and also to evaluate the possibility of an individual developing a certain disorder.Genetic Screening...Read More

Posted on : Monday, April 14, 2008 12:00 AM
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Hi doctor, My cousin and I are getting married this summer. When we consulted a doctor for normal blood test and genetic test, they said no genetic test is needed which was quiet weird for me. We both want biological children, and I wouldn't want to risk it. Now my question is, will the premarital normal blood test detect all possible genetic disorders? Or genetic test is needed at any condition?
Replied on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:31 AM
Respected Doctor,
My brother was suffering eye sight by birth and which we know at his 7-8 yrs. then with the growing yrs. his eye sight also get on increasing.
then as last we consulted to dr. vivek sahay of MARTI PRERNA EYE HOSPITAL RANCHI in 2008 and this time his power was -18 and dr. operate ICL to him at JAN 2009 but some problems stay as usual
so in jan 2013 we went to kolkatta at vasan eye care to consulted dr. sen he said that he is suff. RHINITIS PROGNATHOUS which will happen to his next generation and can never be cured and we want his married life
so i want your suggestion sir . please help and suggest me what can we do?
Replied on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:11 AM

hello doctor, how can i contact you.my cousin is suffering from muscular dystrophy. and doctors have already told that he wont live more than 20 yrs. only female baby can survive out of it. thus my aunty has conceived again.we just wanted to know whether the baby inside her womb is out of this disorder or not.
Replied on Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:49 AM
Hi! Its really unfortunate that your cousin is suffering from Muscular dystrophy. A female baby from your aunt could survive, but the odds of her being the carrier of Muscular dystrophy is high. She may be healthy, but she can pass-on the disease to her son. Hence its recommended to get a genetic testing of the developing fetus and take gene therapy to prevent and eradicate the disease from occurring in future generations...
Replied on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 5:26 AM
hi,in india which hospital have done genetic testing for frontotemporal dementia ?please reply soon.
Replied on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 7:03 AM

Do Come to Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital at Porur, Chennai.

Get Well Soon..!!
Replied on Monday, December 30, 2013 4:14 AM
Hello doctor. My son is having primary microcephaly. He is going to regular school and takes help of special educators. He had delay in speech and we took him to a speech therepist for that. He will turn 5years old in march. We now want to plan for our second child but we are worried that our second should not suffer from any such thing. Please suggest what all tests we shall get done before conceiving and from where. We live in delhi. Plz suggest some good doctor also.
Replied on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:50 AM

Dear gk.09,

Microcephaly could either occur as an isolated feature or at most times, as a part of a syndrome [along with other clinical features]. The causative genes are several hence, you a panel of genes will need to tested to find out the specific genetic cause in your son. Only then, can you opt for prenatal diagnosis where in it is possible at 3 to 4 months of pregnancy to test if your fetus had also inherited the same genetic condition.

Dr. Risha Nahar
Genetic Consultant
Replied on Thursday, March 5, 2015 12:20 AM

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