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Genetic and Metabolic

Genetic disorders are diseases caused by abnormalities in the genes or chromosomes. One large class of genetic disorders is metabolic disorders, also called the ‘inborn errors of metabolism’, when a single defective gene effects the production and functioning of enzymes.

Find doctors and patients dealing with genetic and metabolic disorders in our specialized support group.
Support Groups (30)


Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder which causes abnormal bone growth and dwarfism.

Join this online support group for achondroplasia to meet others who have the disorder in their family and healthcare professionals who deal with it.

Albinism / Hypopigmentation / Albinos

Albinism is a hereditary disorder characterized by defects in melanin production which results in little or no pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. There is no cure for albinism, but it can be managed, especially with special care for the skin and eyes.

Albinos and their families need a lot of support, and you can join this online support group for albinos to meet professionals who can help or contact other people or families with the same challenges.

Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder characterized by difficulties getting along with other people and reading non-verbal, social cues. But people with asperger’s syndrome have good language and cognitive skills.

Join our online support group for people with Asperger’s syndrome and their families. Learn more by talking with experts in the field and others with similar problems; network and empower yourself.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is the most studied childhood psychiatric disorder. Children affected by this condition have problems at home and school and also while interacting with their fellow students and peers.

A child with ADHD needs your special care, and also understanding of his peers and educators. If you’re looking for help, this support group is the place to be.

Birth Defect - Structural Defects

Structural birth defects are problems related to parts of the body present at birth, like abnormally formed or missing limbs or organs. Babies with structural birth defects are more likely to be sickly and die early and more likely to be mentally retarded.

Get support and information from experts and other concerned people by joining our online support group for people and families living with structural birth defects.

Birth Defects - Genetic

Medindia’s support group on genetic birth defects discusses the transmission and management of several birth abnormalities passed on through the parents’ genes, including Down syndrome, Achondroplasia, Hemophilia and Cystic fibrosis.

If you have concerns on any genetic birth defect, this support group will help clarify all your queries on the subject.

Birth Defects - Metabolic Defects

The absence or deficiency of a particular enzyme in the body may impair certain important metabolic processes. A disease arising out of such a defect is called a metabolic disorder. Several such disorders may be inherited, such as Phenylketonuria

For further information on metabolic birth defects and their implications, join Medindia’s support group today!

Blocked Tear Duct / Dacryostenosis

A common and contagious condition affecting newborns, the partial or complete obstruction in the tear duct system of the eyes is known as Dacryostenosis. One or both eyes can be constantly filled with tears or mucus.

Medindia’s support group will help you contact with pediatric specialists who can give you valuable advice on handling a child’s blocked tear duct. So, sign up today!

Cleidocranial Dysplasia / Rubber Man / Marie-Sainton disease / Mutational Dysostosis

Cleidocranial Dysplasia, also called the Marie-Sainton disease or Mutational Dysostosis, is a congenital hereditary disorder when the collar bones (cleido) and the bones of the head (cranial) fail to develop normally. People with cleidocranial dysplasia are sometimes called rubber men because of they have loose joints and are sometimes able to touch their shoulders together in front of the body.

This cleidocranial dysplasia support group will let you get in touch with other people who have loved ones with the condition, and contact doctors and therapists also.

Club Foot / Talipes / Talipes Equinovarus

Club foot or talipes, or talipes equinovarus is a congenital abnormality of the foot in which the foot is turned inward, and sometimes the ankle is turned down where the sole of the foot should be. The condition is not painful, but can cause difficulty in walking and discomfort as the child grows.

Join this online support group for people with club feet and their families and doctors to meet others who have coped with this condition and who can help you.

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tannashyamal wrote a discussion post under How to improve on Speech ?? in Down syndrome / Birth Defects - Genetic Support Group - 3755 days back
mandysimpkins414 replied to mandysimpkins414's discussion post under my psoriasis is improving in Psoriasis Support Group - 4003 days back
mandysimpkins414 wrote a discussion post under my psoriasis is improving in Psoriasis Support Group - 4010 days back
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