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Genetic and Metabolic :
Genetic Testing of Diseases

Genetic testing can show you if you have a genetic disease or an inherited vulnerability to certain diseases. You can then know if you need to take precautions to avoid getting diseases that run in your family, or to avoid passing them on to your children.

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1. Are genetic diseases curable?

Genetic disases are, unfortunately, not curable, but many of them can be success managed. However, some of the diseases which are caused by a combination of genes and lifestyle, such as diabetes and heart diseases, can be prevented to a large extent.

2. Is there a difference between hereditary and genetic condition?

Hereditary conditions are common among blood relatives as they are passed on from one generation to the other. Genetic conditions on the other hand are diseases caused by changes in the chromosomes or genes.

3. Are the genetic tests absolutely fool proof?

No they are not. The interpretation of the genetic test is a skill by itself and can only be done by an expert. The reslts are at times ambiguous. Further tests may then be required. Sometimes errors may arise due to laboratory errors.

4. Is it safe to do amniotic fluid aspiration?

Amniocentesis, if carried out by an expert, is most often safe. However there is an element of risk of miscarriage involved, as the procedure is invasive.

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