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Coma comes from a Greek word meaning deep sleep – a person in a coma is in a profound state of unconsciousness from which they cannot be awakened. This happens usually as a result of injury, disease, or poison.

This online group on coma will help you reach doctors who are familiar with the condition and others who are coping with loved ones in coma.


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About ComaA coma is a deep state of unconsciousness where the affected individual is alive but is not able to react or respond to life around him/her....Read More

Posted on : Friday, July 30, 2010 12:00 AM
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is there a way to cure a coma? and what are the things to do to cure it?
Replied on Sunday, April 3, 2011 3:31 PM
hello everyone i am really worried about something that has been bothering me for sometime now... see my gf was involved in a terrible car accident and was put on life support for some time..after that they pronounced her to be in a coma.. im scared that she might know who i am once she recovers from it.... she is my whole world and i am so scared...................
Replied on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1:44 AM
Hi, my mom is still in coma since Nov.27,2011. She is presently confined in a hospital in Hong Kong and our family is in the Philippines. Only my sister who resides in Hong Kong visits her but not so often. Every minute of the day I think of my mom and I miss her terribly. Until now we don't see any sign of response from her. What are the other things can we do to help her recover? I'm planning to visit her next month.
Replied on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 2:32 PM
let me just correct the date, it's Nov.27, 2010...
Replied on Saturday, September 3, 2011 1:32 PM

What happened to your mom? Why did she experienced Coma? I have an aunt who's in coma now and the doctors said that she has a brain damaged.. we still hope that one day she's going to wake up. anyways, kindly response to my question. Thank you! Godbless!!
Replied on Friday, September 30, 2011 3:32 PM
my gf was involved in a terrible car accident and was put on life support for some time..after that they pronounced her to be in a coma.shes been in it for three weeks now and im not sure how much longer she will be in it either. im scared that she might know who i am once she recovers from it.... she is my whole world and i am so scared of losing her,,,, is it possible that she will recover and be back to normal??
Replied on Friday, July 1, 2011 11:37 PM
our neighbour after happening some incidence goes in coma . i wann to know how it is happen and the treatment is going on in raheja hospital but when they will come out of it can you tell me ...
Replied on Saturday, August 13, 2011 9:26 AM
Recovery from coma should be "a piece of cake" for the brain...if we wait enough, and stimulate enough.
Why coma patients die? For depression [i.e. fear and lack of faith]...causing decreasing in the immune response...then infections...and death.
What might be happening, then? We, the family, are too scare to deal with the patient! We think we can not make it to the end of the whole recovery! Medical doctors help to think in this way, or simply amplify this way of thinking.
But if we check what the brain can do during development and in our daily life, it will be really not a surprise to realize that reconnection and born of new neurons should be a peace of cake. Believe me, reconnection is not "rocket science" for neurons...they can deal with really challenging problems. Finding the way to reconnect is a matter of natural response...what the new neurons are going to do? Simply, check what is lacking and fill the gap. Hormones (i.e. estrogen) can help (a lot probably). Music can stimulate the nervous system. Our words, physical therapy and diet can do the rest...of course, if that is the will of the patient. Faith and spirituality can help also.
Replied on Friday, September 2, 2011 9:57 PM
FINALLY ! Read this twice if you cannot understand what brain plasticity means. Maybe the physician who judges the coma patient to be a vegetable if he wakes up should be sent back to med school !
Replied on Thursday, December 29, 2011 8:00 AM

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