 kadak (Guest)
my girlfiend was in a coma state because of a car accident they fell down into the cliff..about 2weeks shes on the hospital..im very afraid if she didnt woke up..i dont want her to die..please help, what should i do..
Replied on Monday, May 28, 2012 10:17 AM
 lowfloor (Guest)
donot give up , she needs you
1] go to her room , and try to talk to her as if she were all right , . she might not reply but do not be desperate
2) try to help her recollecting your happy times together , it might help...
3) keep her updated about your daily life , don't be over sentimental..
try these tips...wish her a speedy recovery ... good luck
Replied on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:26 AM
my son at 5yrs old got hit by a car knock 20 ft in the air smacked his head on the cueb when he came down. he was knocked out he was rushed to the hospital. the put something thur his skull to control the fluid that was rising inside his brain. the dr took us in the confrence room saying the coma he was in was irreversable he would never wake up and if he did wake up he going to be a vegestable but my gut told me to tell him i don't care what you say your not pulling the plug.let me tell you something i went into the hospital churched and i pleaded my case with god i beg him to please don't take my son i stayed at the hospital the whole time he was there i talked to him all the time i was there i hold his hand i tell him to squeeze my hand i felt something nurses said oh those only the reflection of his nerves but i knew he heard me everytime i speak the alarm would go off his pressure would rise sp that tells me he hears my voice after about 9 days my son woke up he knew who i was .
Replied on Friday, June 29, 2012 8:16 PM
 CBR1000rr (Guest)
make sure you keep her surrounded with happy things. I was in a coma, and I remember all the halucinations. They were driven by my exterior and what was going on. I have even gone as far as put this in my wallet. What to do incase I go comatose. Surround with pretty picture and happy people.I remember all my interactions with people. Depend very much on what was being talked about. Be happy. In her brain shes living a life you couldnt imagine. Anything is possible
Replied on Friday, June 29, 2012 7:59 PM
My grand ma who got typhoid and in unconscious stage for the past 5 days. She doesn't know the pain when we inject or put glucose. We love her so much. she is more than my mother. She is shaking her hands alone when we speak something, not able to open her eyes. Please suggest what kind of doctors we can consult and let us know how u got recovered.
Replied on Friday, August 24, 2012 12:30 AM
My brother in law was in a long boarding accident 14 days ago. The night he went into the hospital he was already in a coma, on top of that coma he needed surgery so they induced his coma. He had 2 brain surgery. One for the pressure and the other for bleeding. He Has been stable "so the dr says" 3 days ago they took him off the seditatives. Today the dr said he is completely off the medication and he is awake. His body is reacting to pain and he twiches but the dr says its just a reaction. He says he doesn't feel he's going to get any better, this comming from the same dr that said he had less than a 10% chance to live, if he even made it 3 days. What are the odds of people coming out of a coma?
Replied on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 9:54 PM
 1Hopeful (Guest)
Everyone says wait, pray, then wait some more.....If it was me that's what I would do. Friends have told me of people who were in comas for several weeks and slowly got better.
Sending prayers to your brother.
Replied on Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:46 AM
I'm pretty sure I know who this is about. I went to school with him. He's an amazing person and he's in my prayers every day. Don't give up. He WILL make it thru this.
Replied on Friday, October 12, 2012 5:04 AM
Hi, my sister severed a large vein causing her to bleed out almost all her blood quickly. She cardiac-arrested 3X -Drs think she was without oxygen to the brain for about a total of 20-30min. She now lays in a coma on day 14 today. She has had over 45 blood transfusions throught this time. The EEG results show moderate to severe slowing brain waves. Is there a better hospital she should be moved to? Does anyone have any advice to offer to get her up? She is 54yrs old and very athletic and healthy.
Replied on Thursday, July 5, 2012 7:34 AM
 Bhargav.003 (Guest)
Hello,My girl freind in coma last few hrs,i am in india and she is in london i want to reach there any how as soon as early so any body support to me to reach with her and pray for her to wake up as soon as early from coma.
Replied on Monday, July 9, 2012 7:36 AM
 luffyd01 (Guest)
what is your gf' name? i also have a gf in london who is in a coma, she has leukema stage 4 cancer and only a year to life. Her name is Leah williams. she went into a coma 5 days ago, im praying everyday for her safe return. Let me know about your gf's status as well.
Replied on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:30 AM
my friend has been operated through a laser operation to remove the puss in his liver but the appendix in his body had burst out and he is in coma right now, the poison has been removed but he is still in coma ...the doctors are not saying whether he will recover or not...but i still want to know how much time it will take him to get recover?
Replied on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 4:41 AM