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Primary Amenorrhea

Primary amenorrhea is a condition when a girl has not started menstruating by the time she is 16, even though other signs of puberty, like breast development and the appearance of pubic hair, are normal. Besides hormonal abnormalities and other illnesses, low body weight or obesity, stress and rigorous exercise can cause primary amenorrhea.

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I am 31 yr old, and I have amenorrhea. I would like to chat with someone that has the same condition. My doctors do not consider this to be important and just want me to use birth control. They are not interested in finding out the cause nor to help with the symptoms. Another perspective in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Posted on : Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:55 PM
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To "hopeful2bepreg"
I want to say thank you for sharing your story. I was told the same thing that my uterus is absent. I've only gone to one doctor and she wanted me to continue with some testing but I refused to go just because it's hard to deal with the fact that I cannot have children. I avoid going to the doctor as much as I can. But because you've shared this story with me, I'm encouraged to go and get more tests done. I can't even imagine how you felt when you got your first period. My prayers are with you and your husband as you try to conceive, I believe it's going to happen for you. Keep us posted, and Again thank you for sharing.
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:45 AM

Thanks for praying for me. For over 10 years, I accepted the fact that I could never be able to bear any children. But now being married I feel like I should have children. When I went to my gynecologist 2 years ago and asked whether I'd ever be able to have children, he said "Yes", but he can't teach me 'how to ride a bike if I don't want to yet'. I am ready now and have set up an appointment with my gynecologist who's also an infertility doctor for Thursday, February 25th. I'll let you know how everything goes then. Are you married Gia? You should definitely go to the doctor again and get your blood tests and ultrasounds taken. You never know, a uterus might have formed now. I went back after 9 years and I had a uterus. I have become hopeful recently when I read this post on this website.


Under 'View Follow Ups', a lady who had the same issue as us wrote the following:
the previous answer is not entirely true! "
i am a 26 year old woman with primary amenorrhea. there are several causes of amenorrhea that must be taken into consideration, especially in terms of conception. in my case, it is believed that my amenorrhea is caused by a hormone deficiency as i do have periods if i'm on an oral contraceptive. i also had an ultrasound and gynecological test taken when i was in my late teens and everything came back perfect. i was told that i wouldn't know if i could have kids until i started trying to conceive. long story short, i had my first child 4 years ago without fertility treatments. it took about a year for me to get pregnant simply because of the unique problems posed by not having a period (i.e. not knowing when ovulation starts, no missed periods, etc.) it may take some time but it sounds like you're in the same boat i am and everything worked out perfectly for me! stay positive and always remember not to believe everything you read about amenorrhea!"

This makes me so hopeful. I'll keep you posted how my visit with the doc goes next week!
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 12:32 PM

You have given me a new outlook on my situation. Yes, I have been married for 2 yrs now. It's especially difficult when you are married and people expect you to have kids right away, especially when both your husband and you are young. I'm going to call around to get some references on fertility specialists in my area, I'm definitely optimistic as you and everyone else here hoping to become pregnant one day.

I'll be awaiting your update!
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 12:59 PM
It is really hard when people ask when my husband and I are going to have kids. People ask me all the time!

Gia keep us posted. Ive been seeing a fertility doctor too so I'll let you girls know how things go with me as well.
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:27 PM
hi there,
People ask such questions all the time n i keep hiding from them.Avoid meeting ppl who knw me n my husband...A v difficult situation...I Can Feel what u feel...Can anybody tell me which is the best birthcontrol pill for withdrawl bleeding,that supports healthy JOINTS aswell.As my joints are going down n down now...Friends with the same problem primary ammenorrhea,plz help!
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 7:38 PM
hi there,
People ask such questions all the time n i keep hiding from them.Avoid meeting ppl who knw me n my husband...A v difficult situation...I Can Feel what u feel...Can anybody tell me which is the best birthcontrol pill for withdrawl bleeding,that supports healthy JOINTS aswell.As my joints are going down n down now...Friends with the same problem primary ammenorrhea,plz help!
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 7:42 PM
hi there,
People ask such questions all the time n i keep hiding from them.Avoid meeting ppl who knw me n my husband...A v difficult situation...I Can Feel what u feel...Can anybody tell me which is the best birthcontrol pill for withdrawl bleeding,that supports healthy JOINTS aswell.As my joints are going down n down now...Friends with the same problem primary ammenorrhea,plz help!
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 7:43 PM
hi there,
People ask such questions all the time n i keep hiding from them.Avoid meeting ppl who knw me n my husband...A v difficult situation...I Can Feel what u feel...Can anybody tell me which is the best birthcontrol pill for withdrawl bleeding,that supports healthy JOINTS aswell.As my joints are going down n down now...Friends with the same problem primary ammenorrhea,plz help!
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 7:43 PM
hi there,
People ask such questions all the time n i keep hiding from them.Avoid meeting ppl who knw me n my husband...A v difficult situation...I Can Feel what u feel...Can anybody tell me which is the best birthcontrol pill for withdrawl bleeding,that supports healthy JOINTS aswell.As my joints are going down n down now...Friends with the same problem primary ammenorrhea,plz help!
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 7:43 PM
I have the same dilemma. All of our friends who got married around our time have been getting pregnant and now the spotlight is on us. I get very emotional every time I get asked those 5 words "when are you getting pregnant". I just answer "when GOD wants us to have a baby, we'll have a baby".

Jen26, has your fertility doctor put you on anything yet? When did you start seeing one? I'm just preparing myself since Feb 25th will be the first time my husband and I will see the doc regarding having a baby. I'm so anxious now. Do you recommend anything specific that I should ask? I'm so glad I found you ladies!!
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 2:05 PM

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