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Women’s health :
Primary Amenorrhea

Primary amenorrhea is a condition when a girl has not started menstruating by the time she is 16, even though other signs of puberty, like breast development and the appearance of pubic hair, are normal. Besides hormonal abnormalities and other illnesses, low body weight or obesity, stress and rigorous exercise can cause primary amenorrhea.

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1. Which doctor should be consulted for the problem of Primary Amenorrhea?

You may consult a gynecologist for the problem

2. What is Amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is the lack of menses in women

3. What is the difference between primary and secondary Amenorrhea?

Primary Amenorrhea occurs when a girl fails to menstruate even after attaining 16 years of age. Secondary Amenorrhea refers to an absence of menses in women who have been menstruating.

4. What are the main causes of Primary Amenorrhea?

Hormonal imbalances, congenital deformities, chromosomal disorders, lack of nutrition, excessive exercises are some of the important factors that cause primary amenorrhea.

5. Is Primary Amenorrhea hereditary?

In some individuals, heredity plays a role in the onset of the disease.

6. What is the role of exercise in the onset of the Primary Amenorrhaea?

Excessive exercise may lead to an energy drain and increased fatigue, which may lead to delayed menarche.

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