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Primary Amenorrhea

Primary amenorrhea is a condition when a girl has not started menstruating by the time she is 16, even though other signs of puberty, like breast development and the appearance of pubic hair, are normal. Besides hormonal abnormalities and other illnesses, low body weight or obesity, stress and rigorous exercise can cause primary amenorrhea.

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I am 31 yr old, and I have amenorrhea. I would like to chat with someone that has the same condition. My doctors do not consider this to be important and just want me to use birth control. They are not interested in finding out the cause nor to help with the symptoms. Another perspective in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Posted on : Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:55 PM
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i started to see that doctor about 5 months back. She's just had me do a bunch of tests. She had me see my family doctor because my liver enzymes were elevated but I got them checked again and they were normal. My family doctor suggested that I go to Stanford and get down to the root of the problem. I made my family doctor send my fertility doctor her notes so that they can talk and discuss the right thing for me. I am going to try to call them next week and see what my next step is. maybe injections and progesterone!!
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:34 PM
Hello Again Everyone!

Although I am not married or currently trying to have children I do one day want kids; although I certainly am not ready at the moment.

All of you are in my thoughts in regards to your pregnancy issues and other issues posted by amenorrhea. Just wanted to say that it's good to not feel alone in this battle and realize that I'm thankful to have people to talk with when the time comes for me to try having children.
Replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:52 PM

Kootos to everyone that can live with this condition. I have primary ammenorrhea. I'm 23 years old and fed up with this condition. i want answers! I had progesterone test, ultra sound, MRI, karyotype and other test done, but everything is normal except that I have a small uterus and ovaries. I was put on Premarin and nothing happened. I had birth control pills for a month and I had 1 period. This is too stressful and I have a wonderful boyfriend who brings up marriage and children frequently. I'm afraid to tell him that it is possible that i do not have children, because i don't want to scare him away. I would feel guilty towards him for not having kids because of me. Please tell me whether there is hope. I'm 6'1 tall with really long legs and a short torso. Is this also the case with anyone else having this condition?
Replied on Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:37 PM
In addition,I'm curious and I know this is a bit personal. During intimacy I have to use a lot of lube because I don't get wet and it really hurts. After wards I'm left sore for days. And I don't think I have ever had an orgasm. Is this the case for anyone else?
Replied on Monday, February 22, 2010 1:02 AM

Welcome to this group. Don't feel fed up. I look at myself as "Special" as I am one of the 4% of the women population who has this condition. Well, I just say it to feel special. Why were you put on birth control only for a month? Majority of us were put on it for as long as a lifetime. From all that I have read/researched, there is no particular cause for primary amenorrhea.

I was always afraid of being in a relationship because of the fact that I would scare a guy away. But I couldn't help it when I fell in love with my present husband. However I told him a week after going on our first date about my condition and he felt OK with it. He said that we could always adopt a child! So he asked me not to worry, have faith and just tell your boyfriend. He will surely understand that its not like you don't want children, its just that you can't. You don't want to have primary amenorrhea but you can't help it either.

I am in the process of wanting to have children now and seeing my fertility doctor on Thursday. I will probably be put on Clomid (fertility meds) to help me ovulate etc. I will tell all you girls once I get back! However don't lose hope as we all are there for one another.

As regards intimacy, I was fine when I was on the birth control pills, but since I have been off it for 2 months now, I have noticed I need to be lubed quiet a bit. As far as orgasm goes, as long as my hubby works hard on me...I do! ;)
Replied on Monday, February 22, 2010 11:30 AM

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