 sydoren (Guest)
Any advice would be welcome , we were diagnosed during pregnancy that my son had klinefelter's, so far everything is good , he is now 11 yrs old, he does struggle alot in school , but i am not sure if it is related to that or just having a hard time!! He was very shy but is now a talker!!Would love to find some pen pals!!
Replied on Sunday, January 4, 2009 12:00 AM
as stated above i have klinefelter syndrome an are currently under prodessor stewart at the womens hospital in birmingham if you live in england you can get to see him under a doctors referal
Replied on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:00 AM
Hi dont know what to say really as i have pushed it to the back off my mind , my wee boy at the age off three i was told he had klinefelters over and above other problems since birth he is a real handful and goes to full time nursery, he should of started school this year but was held back as he gets really angry and just wont listen i would love to talk to people who have the same as my son and familys with there boys with this thanks x
Replied on Friday, October 29, 2010 1:23 AM
you are welcome to contact me at jnacke@arcolaschools.com
Replied on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 7:07 AM
 as474923 (Guest)
i have it klinefelters. I was diagonosed at 19 years old in the millitary after I had a chest spasm. I have had suicidal thoughts since i was 16 back and forth. I have a hard time switching off from being agry all the time. I don't drink nor smoke because i have recognized that we can have problems with it. i work out everyday yet after taking tesostorone shots, i found my self to be more aggressive than normal and ended with a physical confronation with a loved one. now i am serching for psychiatric help to control and identify my bottle up anger it is important to find activities that enforce self confidence like finishing college degree, financially stable(no standing debt), memorizing a song per week and singing it back atloud helps be part of group of friends without being isolated or left out, excercise specifically upper body, swimming, upper body, weigh proteing, no creatine nor steroids,...positive family and friends reinforcement must be there.
Replied on Saturday, May 30, 2009 12:00 AM
I am 51 and am about to have the karotype test to see if I have Klinefelters. My symptoms indicate I do except I have above average intelligence. I have been depressed for 35 years, told my psychs I was infertile and knew at 21 when I tried to donate sperm that my FSH levels are high. Now know my testosterone levels are very low too. This has had a negative affect on my whole life. Drinking problems, behavioural problems, sexual misconduct, a failed marriage and low self esteem. I am hoping a testosterone therapy will make me feel normal and not like an outside in the male world. Has anyone elde suffered similarly?
Replied on Friday, June 19, 2009 12:00 AM
I am 38 years old and I found out at 17 that I had Ks and also hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. I was told there were only 3 other people in the world who this condition and too this day haven't had much help. I have tried to shut it out to live a normal life but, it is eating away at me slowly and i am becoming more depressed. I have had treatment from day one and It does help alot with life, but the social aspect is still hard. I moved to Sydney 11 years ago from London as I thought of starting fresh away from people that new - to this day though, I still having trouble withn the way i think about things. I have my own business and live in one of the most beautiful place's in the world, Its whats inside that counts. I have had a string of girlfriends and managed one for 6 years - The best treatment I have found is implants. they last for 4months and release off testo slowly the injection are much more random on release. If you need to ask any question feel free to contact me.
Replied on Saturday, January 9, 2010 12:00 AM
They say ks have low intelligence. Yet my IQ is 140 and became a succesful specialist doctor.
My sexual development was retarded. I have smallish testis and slightly smaller than average penis with no axillary hair and scanty facial hair and look boyish. Having said that i have never been short of girfriends. I believe some women like the boyish look and the decreased body hair.
Over the years i have come to accept and even like my relatively genetic uniqueness and i no longer have a problem with it.I refuse to have hormonal treatment. I have achieved what i wanted out of life and did it without having to grow a beard or increase my muscle mass. I guess i am a bit of a secret militant for keeping the ks phenotype. I want ks people to see that we can achieve our own individual goals as we are. Nothing needs changing.
Replied on Saturday, August 14, 2010 12:00 AM
 k2k2k (Guest)
hi i have klinfilters syndrome too, i want to know that from where i can get testosterone therapy and how much i need to spend on it...
Replied on Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:00 AM
I have klinefelters and I'm 25 just got diagnosed this summer. I use Androgel...its a gel you put on your skin. It costs about 245.00 per month with insurance. Expensive yes, but better than constant injections.
Replied on Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:00 AM
 Jean2010 (Guest)
From a mother of a son who was diagnosed at the age of 17 with Klinefelter Symdrome, what a relief to know and we wish we would have found out 17 years ago. If you have a child who s struggling in school, ensure you get an IEP (individual education plan) written to support Klinefelter's. A child with KS can and should receive special education services to support one-one instruction or small group, speech theraphy, psyp. counseling, behavior modification/intervention, occupational theraphy depending on their body type (general fine motor skills), visual/spacial techniques, etc. Let your school know immediately to ensure your child receives the tools they need to succeed!
Replied on Monday, July 27, 2009 12:00 AM