 Graham.W (Guest)
Sorry, but this is a question rather than a comment.
Can a person have their genetic profile tested to see if they may produce a child with klienfelters syndrome?
Replied on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 4:40 PM
 Carl42withKS (Guest)
Hello have you been told you have KS [Klinefelters symdrome]and are you on the hormone injections yet , once you start the course of injections, which i have every 3 months for life , this means you wont be able to have children , due to the treatment kills the sperm , im 42 now and cant have children . but miricals do happen so my doctor tells me . hope this is of some interest Carl
Replied on Saturday, February 23, 2013 1:57 PM
 Dgrizzle (Guest)
I have Mosaic KS. My 1 year old daughter is genetically mine and was conceived naturally. Miracles do happen guys, keep faith.
Replied on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:40 PM
 1989zz (Guest)
10n God that is hope. but where u taking testosterone before u had ur daughter
Replied on Saturday, September 7, 2013 7:44 AM
The enlarged breast in men is called gynocomasta. The doctors are not very shure why it happens, but imbalance in the testosterone level can be one reason others can be drug abuse etc. The only solution is Surgery. General surgeon can perform the surgery under local anesthesia[ means injecting the chest are with a numming agent] and you will be released out in the same day. Liposuction is another good solution where the surgeon will pull out the fats form the breast using a surgical needle with a pipe attached to a pump and you will be released in a few hours after dressing. You have to be lying flat on the bed for one week wearing a belt and then after opening the stitches you will be asked to not pull weight for a month or so after that you will leave a normal life.
But before surgery get in touch with doctors of the ENDOCRINOLOGY department will ask you to preform some blood tests and some scans to identify the cause of your problem- I AM A FORMER GYNACOMASTIYA PATIENT
Replied on Saturday, January 24, 2015 2:22 PM