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Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) / Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)

Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) or Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) is a phenomenon relating mainly to women’s sexual health, in which afflicted women complain of sudden and frequent feelings of genital arousal that are qualitatively different from the kind of...Read More

Posted on : Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:00 AM
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I suffered from PGAD (PSAS or ReGS depending on the Dr.) from age 12 to age 30. Just after I turned 30, a friend of mine referred me to a group called Mensa Underground. They have been a miracle from God! They cured my symptoms in less than 2 weeks! In the first 2 days, I saw a 40% decrease in my symptoms & I had no symptoms after two weeks! My life is normal & it's absolutely amazing!! I still lead an active (and now fulfilling) sex life. So, if you suffer from this condition, please hang in there! There is a cure coming!
Replied on Monday, June 6, 2011 10:15 AM
Hello.Have it since '07-'08. In my case can be triggered by epilepsy. Noticed sparking down there same time as temporal seizure hit. Got it from drug withdrawal. Also have aphasia, other neurological cond's. Now trying GARD exclusion diet: no: wheat/milk/soy/other-wheat can active pgad very fast. What method did they use for you? Happy for you. Can you share? Thnx
Replied on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 10:54 AM
Hi. I can't tell you exactly what my team did, but they used a few types of therapy to somehow "resync" the nerves. Unfortunately, I really can't say much else...part of their non-disclosure agreement you have to sign. They did a great job though & nothing was painful at all. Not to mention: no meds!

If you only have the symptoms with the seizure activity, it may not be actual PGAD/PSAS...not that it would matter, its still a neurological condition. So, I guess the therapy would be the same.
Replied on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 2:48 PM
I sure would like to know what they did. I'm having to educate my doctors, just from what I find online. Meanwhile, I'm getting no relief.
Replied on Thursday, June 9, 2011 11:13 PM
Aimee - what type of dr. did you see? neurologist and what country are you located? i am suffering from this and it is truly sheer HELL! Help, any information you can give is appreciated!
Replied on Saturday, June 25, 2011 4:06 PM
Hey Aimee, You have not been helpful by telling us , all that are in hell, that you found a cure and will not tell us more, if you are not lying then at least tell us what Doctor you went to, and where located, that would NOT be against the rules or the thing that you signed, now would it? Pls. tell us who to do to.
Replied on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:26 AM

Hi- female, late 30's. My own experience has led to a life of chronic overindulgence in masturbation which has sapped me of all my energy to do or want to do anything much. Orgasm totally kills my motivation to do anything. I use a TENS MACHINE - I put it on my back, legs and the sensation deflects from the clitoral pressure. I did end up using the machine "down there" however which I discovered was totally mind-blowing" but has made me ill from over stimulating my nerves. I have no kids - this might be a cause - like my body is screaming out for reproduction or something. OR I masturbate to relieve anxiety and pressure of general life. If you think about it alot of blokes masturbate ALOT and the clitoris is supposed to be like a mini penis. I am only satisfied once a clitoral orgasm has been achieved. Then I am as totally blissed out and don't have a care in the world. It is a highly addictive pleasure and its a cure to the psas. I get angry and bad tempered if I don't have a clitoral orgasm at least once every other day. I really want to find professional help but don't know where to begin. Anyway, try to put my TENS machine on as I've just had 3 orgasms and my back is killing me! Good luck everyone - I too am very interested in how Aimee got her "nerves re-syched" - it wouldn't surprise me if it involved some sort of electrical stimalation.
Replied on Thursday, July 14, 2011 9:06 AM
there is considerable suffering from this disorder.I am afraid to go anywhere just in case this might flair up.I think about this all the time and it ruins my day. When I get this feeling,masturbation can take up to one hour ahd even longer for any relief and still the feeeling comes back shortly there after. This is ruining my life and daily living. I try to just take it one day at a time and do alot of praying. Is this going to be forever
Replied on Friday, August 12, 2011 9:29 AM
I have Regs and it totally sucks. I have had it since I was eleven at least. I think my baby sister has it too. She is 8. It hurts so bad all the time. I just found out by talking to my mothers best friend. I thought I was a sex addict. I told her what was going on and she saw a show on t.v. and we looked it up together. I am so grateful I found out. IM on lexapro and I masterbate once a week now. I did atleast 4 times a day since 7th grade. It still hurts and my stomach does but it is so much better. I tried my mothers antidepressant when I found out and it helped instantly. Same with my Lexapro. My lower back still hurts. Pgad ruined my life socialy I don't want to see my friends ever. High school i excluded myself dramatically. I was never sure why. But I can start my new life now that I know of this syndrome. And I am glad it is rare because It hurts so bad. It probably isn't as temendously rare as 400 women in the world. Those poor women just haven't found out what it was. If I wouldn't have talked to my friend I probably never would have found out. I didn't find out for nine years.
Replied on Friday, August 12, 2011 7:21 PM
Same story. I've had it since nine, so has my sister who is currently ten and my mother. Does your family have restless leg syndrome? It is common. This seems to be heredity so I will not have children, just adopt I couldn't wish this on anyone escipally my child. I talked to one friend after ten years of suffering and discovered. How old are you I'm 19.
Replied on Saturday, December 10, 2011 10:31 PM

i think i might have this, i'm in my teens and constantly have this feeling like i'm restless, i can't sleep properly because of it, no normal physical activity gets rid of it, i don't know what it's connected to but it started when i went through my first menstraul cycle, is there anywhere i can get help or anyway of getting relief from the restless feeling.
Replied on Monday, September 5, 2011 4:40 PM

in case you didn't know, there's a support group online for PSAS/PGAD:

i have had it for 17 years now. began when i was pregnant. the support group has been a big help.
Replied on Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:48 PM

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