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Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) / Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)

Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) or Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) is a phenomenon relating mainly to women’s sexual health, in which afflicted women complain of sudden and frequent feelings of genital arousal that are qualitatively different from the kind of...Read More

Posted on : Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:00 AM
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I am a man and have had this condition for 10 years now. I am 28 and it is a horrible condition. It devastated my life for many years. In recent years it has gotten better as I have figured out techniques to deal with it. As a man it is terrible and embarrasing because you have to hide your priapism and if you orgasm it is inconvient as a man. Through years of self analysis and introspection for answers and solutions I believe that it stems from a disconnect in the brain. I believe that the brain has an intrinsic desire to want to reproduce. I also believe that unconscious [Autonomic nervous system] brain does not know the difference between physically mating or masturbating. Where PSAS comes in is that the brain has somehow wired itself to not need that physical stimulation to orgasm and so that very ancient and basic part of the brain that wants to breed has free rein. It basically takes control and it doesn't care what you want or what your doing.
Replied on Friday, July 26, 2013 10:20 PM

This just recently started a week ago. Ever since then I have had the tingling and sensations spoken about. The first time was the worst. I felt the need to masterbate because I am alone. I did and stopped and asked God to forgive me that I will never do it again. But I sufered all night until I assed out. I had an orgasm every 2 to 3 seconds from around 2 am until I passed out. It be stopped, and I could hardly walk. I tried ice packs that stimulated me more. trying to hold it with my hand didn't work. I can't tell you how many orgasms I had. Has anyone of an adult, church going age questioned familiar spirits. I noticed a few christian comments. Gallatians 5 does talk about this. I could be more specific, but I a fact finding now. Some of these men have abilities that control women in this manner.
Replied on Monday, August 5, 2013 3:29 PM

Today I was doing hands off masturbation wherw o would ty to have an ogasm and I kept sayong my hole is innocent...evenutally while while I was trying to orgasm I felt this odd feeling it was uncomfortable..and then I startes having pain.. Eventually I thought maybe irs blue balls for women...so I letmy vagina move and do its thing.I felt some relief but the pressurw feeling and almosy unctontrollable feelings coontinued...I rubbed my clitoris to orgasm too using the excuse that maybe it qould take the feeling away I remember I believe it wws "God" saying "vaginal discomfort" ci ncerning my masturbation.... so I gueas thia was what He wss talking about..I heard it can be caused by exxessive masturbation... People should be warned about this..I've been upset and now could care less about sex..I just pray thw feelibg wi permantly go awat
Replied on Saturday, November 9, 2013 11:23 PM
It started with me when I was a teenager around 13 yrs ago. As everyone thought that may be it's a teenage phase and it will become normal with the age. However for past 13 yes instead of subsiding it is just become even more pronounced and intense.I remember I would just lock myself in a room and just weep and pray all the time.Gradually after years of such futile exercises I had just resigned to my fate.I really don't wanna with is PSAS for my whole. I can't tell about this to anyone at he for fear of embarrassment not even to my friends.I really sick and tired of this.Through my deep observation I have found that in my vase there is point in brain close to medula oblongetta that becomes unduly excited and starts sending down Sensations all across genitals.Some times I would be feeling need to have sex multiple times. Its like if I don't release it then I might just explode out of sheer pressure. I some times feel that marriage might not be as feasible option for me to try as where my spouse unable to understand would just brand me a sex addict or sex fiend and will just divorse me.I don't feel that I m ready to live a double life. I guess the onlyboption for me is to find someone like myself who would understand me and sympathize with me instead of just mocking me rather than just lead a traumatic sex crazy life. After all I don't wanna live and grow old alone ,lonely and sad
Replied on Thursday, August 29, 2013 3:37 AM
Hey Sammy, you needn't feel so miserable about yourself. There are numerous young men in the world who are going through the same phase. With time, this problem hopefully would disappear.
Replied on Sunday, September 22, 2013 11:57 AM

I am feelin some light stress in penis after masterbuten and it persist for 2/3 days. I am now 57 years.
Replied on Saturday, January 25, 2014 8:16 PM

I'm a man and I had something like that from about 16 to 25. That's all I've got to say.
Replied on Friday, February 14, 2014 11:26 AM

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