 salgrn (Guest)
I am very thankful I did not read this website and these comments before my endometrial biopsy. I feel sorry for those women who have such a low tolerance to discomfort that the procedure put them on the couch for hours. Mine was done last Thursday, yes it was not comfortable but the cramping was gone as soon as the instruments were removed, the discomfort suring the sample retrieval was minimal compared to many other procedures. I drove my self home and went on with my daily activities. I had no pain medication nor any anesthetizing agents. Ladies your lives are worth more that a few moments of uncomfortableness!! This procedure is the least invasive way to test the endometium, be thankful that it is available!! GEt a different Dr, it might have made the difference.
Replied on Monday, August 23, 2010 12:00 AM
It's so easy to be superior in attitude if you didn't feel extreme pain. As I said to another person that thought we're be over dramatic. I had a c-section with NO anesthesia. Obviously not something you would choose to do and this felt as bad. I'm not a wimp when it comes to pain. I just think that for some of us it is excruciating. If I need a 3rd biopsy, it will have to be a different method. I truly couldn't face that again.
Replied on Sunday, November 20, 2016 11:20 AM
I am going on Tues. to have this done. I will report on what it was like. My physican has done tons of these and is very very empathetic and efficient. She was going to just do this at my last appt. -- didn't even hesitate but when I told her I was scared she said okay we'll shedule you for next week and is premedicating me with valium, pain killer and 3 motrin. I will report back.
Replied on Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:38 AM
I am back to report that this was not much more than a pap to me. I did premedicate with 3 motrin, 1 zanax and 1 pain pill. I was very anxious after reading all the horror stories. I don't know if this is different for each person, if it's the premed or the skill of the physician, but I'm very upset that I got myself all upset over nothing. Now for the results.
Replied on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 9:03 PM
 DianeDriver (Guest)
Well, I have to say this was THE WORST procedure I've ever had. I would never/will never undergo it again unless anesthetized as I was during a colonoscopy and when I had a root canal, and cannot see why one can't have that sort of anesthetic. I had asked, and they just said "no". I will ask WHY NOT next time. I had taken vicodan to "prevent" pain, but it did no good, but then again, I have no "control" group for comparison. Who knows how awful it would have been had I not taken the vicodan. The pain killer left me with a groggy hangover and a bit incoherent, NOT PLEASANT. I hope to slept hours and hours and hours last night and in the afternoon as well. The day after, today, I still have cramps. Am trying not to take too much of the vicodan because it gives me a headache. HOT heating pad seems to help.
I will write the clinic and tell them that by all means they should offer the colonoscopy kind of anesthetic if it's possible. I would have PAID for it!
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 6:18 PM
I had the procedure recently.
Years ago my daughter needed a cone biopsy and I was there holding her hand. Prior to her procedure she only took Advil as was instructed. She was in agony, gripping my hand like a vice. When the procedure was finished she curled up in a ball and could not move for 5 minutes. Just terrible to watch your child go through this.
She immediately changed doctors; I stuck it out UNTIL I needed an endometrial biopsy. I expressed my concerns and my doctor told me basically this is the way it goes, take the Advil. I then changed doctors. [For some reason I had a stupid loyalty because she was my doctor for 20 years.] After some research I found a new doctor, told her my concerns. The day of the procedure I took (3) 200 milligrams of Advil, and 1 xanax (I was extremely stressed only because I witnessed first hand my daughters procedure) 1 hour before the procedure. My doctor gave me 2 shots of Novocain. She did the procedure very quickly, I would estimate 3 minutes at the longest. I was mentally prepared for some pain; my doctor told me exactly what she was doing while she was doing it. I closed my eyes, thought of my Lamaze training and worked my way through it. Honestly, I barely had pain, for a few seconds I felt some very minor pain, but it only lasted a second or so. The entire time my doctor told me exactly what she was doing. She kept a dialog with me checking that I was doing well. I personally feel that your doctor makes the difference. Take the time to find a good doctor and if they tell you to just take Advil, get another doctor. There is no reason to have such pain in such a sensitive area even if the test only takes a few minutes.
Replied on Saturday, December 11, 2010 6:43 AM