I had this done 3 weeks ago. Not only was the procedure awful, I am still having some cramping, pains and lower back pain. I saw 2 more doctors but no one can tell what this biopsy did to my body. I was a healthy and very athletic woman until this thing happened. Now I cannot even walk for a long distance such as just going to walking around in Target unless I take pain killers. Has anyone had these complications before? I am getting really worried. The procedure was much worse than I imagined, and like someone said in the thread, I will never forgot the pain. This needs to be done with local anesthetic. What I cannot understand is that doctors just tell you that you may feel some cramping. I was in tears when it was done. It was just awful. It still gives me chills when I think of it.
Replied on Thursday, February 25, 2010 12:00 AM
Hello, I also an endometrial biopsy 2 months ago and I am still in pain. Afetr 2 weeks of the pain I went to see gyne and he prescribed antibiotics to cover for the possibility of uterine infection. I had 3 weeks of antibiotics but i am still in pain aching burning pelvic pain as well as very painful period with clots. I wanted to ask ou how are you doing now?did you find out the causeof the continuous pain? you need to check for the possibility of infection if you are still having problems. The doctors now don't know why i am still hurt.
Replied on Thursday, April 1, 2010 12:00 AM
Hello. I wanted to reply to your post even though your comment is from a few years ago because I am experiencing the exact same symptoms after having i had an endometrial biopsy he about a month ago. If can you please let me know if your pain was ever resolved and if so what did you do in order to heal the pain and symptoms you were having ? Thank you so much.
Replied on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 5:08 AM
Hi. I had an endo biopsy performed this past Wednesday. I did take 1 Advil beforehand, but generally I cannot tolerate NSAIDS. My period was late as they are wont to be at 50. I had to reschedule twice because my gyn does not do them during menses. Thought I was going to get out of it again, but no go. The procedure itself was, needless to say, uncomfortable. I had it done at a university clinic and the doctor who performed it was a supervised student. I really had myself worked up to the likes of I might just die when they do it. They used no anesthetic and claimed it does not help anyway. Secondly, I am allergic to iodine and latex. They had to use alcohol swabs....OUCH!!! They had no sterile non-latex gloves so had to perform quite gingerly as to not contaminate me. I survived it so far and pain during was a bit worse than a PAP and longer. My problem is now (4 days later) I am still bleeding pretty steady, cramps constantly, and am pretty nauseated. The first day I spotted a bit then stopped bleeding, but the next morning I was bleeding again (maybe I shouldn't have washed the car that day, but I felt fine). I cannot tell if I am finally having my late period or if I am still bleeding after the procedure. Called GYN...they figured it was my period, but told me to go to the ER if there were clots and heavy bleeding. Ahem...excuse me, but the reason I had the endo biopsy was because with my periods are CLOTS and HEAVY BLEEDING! I would feel like and idiot heading to the ER and how could they tell anyway? I have hemorrhaged before and had an emergency D&C after I had to deliver a 5-month-old stillborn and some tissue was missed. Okay, that was like a faucet, but, still when I bleed heavily, I get scared I will bleed to death. I hate being neurotic! I wish my uterus would just die suddenly of natural causes!
Replied on Saturday, April 17, 2010 12:00 AM
 darbymom (Guest)
I am scheduled to have this done next Monday morning. I am curious how quickly you were able to get the results back from your test? I was told 10 days ago that I may have uterine cancer and the waiting so far has been horrible... I just want to know one way or another so I can move on and make the best choices for my health. I hate being in limbo here! How long will it take after the tests for me to know the results?
Replied on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 12:00 AM
I had it 12 days ago. Was most excruciating intense pain ever and I have had children with no pain meds. They were shouting for me to breathe and I was screaming. Was barbaric, feels like I've been brutally raped, I cried when safe at home, remembering. Maybe because over 30 years since I gave birth and 4 years since menopause? I went to have a cervical polyp removed which they did first, and I don't yet know why they did this biopsy. Now 12 days later I still can't stand or walk much, and taking Ibuprofin. Went to Emergency 2 days ago because discharge started that day along with feeling like I have to pee all the time. I still feel pressure when standing and constant pinching like a pap smear but often sharper. At Emerg they gave me antibiotics. I am going to make a complaint, can't believe this happened to me.
Replied on Sunday, December 30, 2012 2:27 AM
 Hollysmommy (Guest)
I had mild discomfort for a VERY brief amount of time.....PLEASE stop with this AGONIZING lest you prevent women from having this procedure when it can be helpful if not life-saving
Replied on Monday, June 28, 2010 12:00 AM
I'm glad yours wasn't bad. But, since it wasn't then you really shouldn't tell those of us that were and/or are in a lot of pain to not say anything. There are other methods for checking for cancer. If my doctor needs to check for cancer again she'll have to use another method. The first time was bad and the second even worse. To put this in perspective, my first c-section ended up being without anesthesia and I was willing to risk that pain again.
Replied on Sunday, November 20, 2016 11:12 AM
 Hope826 (Guest)
This is amazing me! Endometrial Biopsies are in no way shape or form the horrific experience that is being portrayed here. The procedure itself can be minutely uncomfortable, however, there is no need in working yourself up for failure. I have these done every 4 months and have had for the past few years. It is more of an ok I know you are there BUT its not something that should keep you from getting the procedure done. Last Friday I had 4 biopsies taken at the same time and I experienced absolutely no side effects what so ever. What is worse, a few moments of being uncomfortable or Chemo and Radiation???
Replied on Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:00 AM
For you maybe it's not true but for many it is. There are situations all over the net of traumatized woman. Maybe you're not getting the scraping we are in the uterine canal. That is the worst. I feel like I've been raped. I cried through the whole thing. I can even make love to my husband. Lucky you, but it's not a "portrayal" for many it's horrific.
Replied on Thursday, May 1, 2014 7:09 AM
PS This is a support group and we have to go somewhere. I won't lie, I hope others see this and are prepared and maybe insist on some meds before this is allowed.
Replied on Thursday, May 1, 2014 7:11 AM