it is not good and safe to do exercise soon after heavy or light food.espesially fatty food needs time for digestive proccesing.by regular correct punctual exercise food and other regulations one can shape there body.how much u give fertile to soil u get yeild from it .u take care of ur body according to season time health u get ur shape.never do exercise soon after food it will bring headache,sourbelching,heavyness in the obdomen.u will feel more ill.
Replied on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:00 AM
it is not good and safe to do exercise soon after heavy or light food.espesially fatty food needs time for digestive proccesing.by regular correct punctual exercise food and other regulations one can shape there body.how much u give fertile to soil u get yeild from it .u take care of ur body according to season time health u get ur shape.never do exercise soon after food it will bring headache,sourbelching,heavyness in the obdomen.u will feel more ill.
Replied on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:00 AM