I have been studying B12 deficiency and autoimmune pernicious anemia for 20 years. Out of frustration and frequent misdiagnosis of patients I cared for, I wrote a book titled, "Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses," Quill Driver Books, 2005--for the public, health care professionals and the medical community. It is outrageous there is such a knowledge deficit regarding B12 deficiency, and people are being injured and disabled because of poor education.
Replied on Sunday, December 17, 2006 12:00 AM
I am a 28 yrs old male,I went to the doctor and was telling him I just dont feel like the same guy, tired out of breath, just down, for three month back and forth finally did blood test and my b12 leval was 42, he said i have pernicious anemia, with no family history disease, no stomach surgary, I wanna do a test called schilling to find out the truth, i am thankful that i found out what is happening to me, I just wish todays doctors pay more attention to b12 levals and the people most important..
Replied on Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:00 AM