The modern saying should probably be changed from apple a day keeps doctors awya to "Apple a day keeps Alzheimer's Away." Prevention is the best cure and besides Alzheimer's apple also is high in iron and keeps anemia away too. It high fibre content keeps constipation away. The list can keep going... It has a fair amount of vitamin C & ß-carotene, potassium and boron. Being fibrous and juicy it serves as a good tooth cleaner and gum stimulator. It is found especially useful in treatment of arthritis, owing to the ability of ridding the body of unwanted waste. It reduces the blood cholesterol levels, by acting on “bad” LDL cholesterol. Most of the fibre in apple is of the insoluble kind, which helps in the prevention of diverticulosis and colon cancer. NO wonder apple is considered one of the ten super food.
Replied on Friday, August 4, 2006 12:00 AM