 BigPete (Guest)
My brother had a tumor removed a year ago. He seems to be doing fine some days and not so good other. After reading comments that other people have left, my brother is going through the same thing except he is seeing several doctors and everyone of them is treating him for something different, depression, steroids, thyroid,headache, parcason, ect. These are the things he is telling me?? I not so convince on all the drugs he is on but I'm not a doc. Is anyone else on a lot of drug?? Thanks
Replied on Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:57 AM
 LovingU (Guest)
I had a tumor of cancer removed from my brain 3 yrs ago and I have so many doctors and I take a lot of medications because I have all of them problems and fibromyigia then some. I don't like it all because i'm only 24 and it seems like I'm about 50. I know it seems unreal to you but it is just about ture.
Replied on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:45 PM
Hi, my brother has a brain tumor. He lives in Ethipoia. The doctors said the tumor is 7 inch long and he is in a critical condition. I am working on the process to bring him here and to get a better help. However, after the doctors told him the side effects after the surgery, my brother refused to have the surgery. Please give me your comments on how I can help him to decide to have the surgery.
Replied on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4:08 PM
 palomita_2015 (Guest)
How do you know if you have a brain tumor or if its a normal thing at the age of 14?
Replied on Thursday, April 11, 2013 1:57 PM
 zzshell (Guest)
My Mother in Law just had part of her brain tumor removed about a month ago. Since then she can not hold a normal conversation. It is like random things about her past and childhood. But its the same story everyday throughout the entire day. Is this a permanent side effect or will this fade as she gets better...
Replied on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 8:55 PM