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Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. They may be cancerous or benign, but both can be severely compromise a person’s health and be life threatening.

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Brain Tumor

Brain is one of the largest and complex organs in the human body and weighs about 1.3 Kgs. Neurons and glial cells are the basic units that make up the brain. There are about 40 billion nerve cells, known as neurons, in the brain. Brain controls our body, receives, analyzes and stores...Read More

Posted on : Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:00 AM
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Jeff Skinner
I am currently at my home in recovery from a second brain surgery. The first was a Level II astrocytoma. The second is a level IV geoblastoma (SP?). What is the traditional recovery period? WHen can I expect to return to a nowmal lifestyle? When can I drive again?
Replied on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:00 AM

wat about ur mobility condition . can u consult the doctor near by u.u can get the on line physio advice from me
Replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 12:00 AM
My surgeon said i could go back to work after 2 weeks and i would be fine, but really its up to you and how you feel... i took a month off as i wasnt use to feeling that pain and i was feeling sorry for myself :)

For driving its usually 6 months, did you have seizures??
Replied on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 9:25 PM
What are the physical exercises need after brain tumor operation?
Replied on Saturday, February 21, 2009 12:00 AM
Very light exercise!!!!

Dont push yourself, maybe just try starting off with a short walk around the house then make your way out of the house, then i would start on the tredmile if you have one... if not maybe riding a bike down to the nearest park just really light things.... after i did that i started up swimming when my scar was all recovered as that is one of the best ways to get fit and also it is fantastic for your self asteem getting back to normal life :)
Replied on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 9:30 PM

i have had occassional headache's, a rash on my face and flushing, ringing in my ears and pain in my ears, my throat is constantly sore and feels dry and red.Above my left eye is tender and my eye gets blurry sometimes.And now my cheeks feel sore. I feel tired and weak all the time, which can be contirbuted to the fibermygia that i have. But For over a year i have taken throat soothers. the ent doctor says it's acid reflux, the stomach specialist says no; your throat wouldn't be hurting all the time and i have a hard time swallowing. I went to this other ent specialist and he looked at my throat with the tube and said i don't see anything and there is nothing i can do for you. But these symptoms are persisting, and no one is doing anything about it! My mom had a tumor in her face which she was born with but they only found out in her thirties. And my mom had gallstones, when i went to the doctor 2 years ago with back pain they did nothing for a whole year telling me it was stress, they did only ex-rays and nothing came up and i was suffering for a whole year until finally the pain got so bad and the doctor at st mike's hospital said I can't believe they couldn't see this now your gallbladder has to be removed! I know my body, I know it's more than stress, fibermygia, but no one will help me not even the emergency doctors will refer me to anyone who will do futher tests. What can i do should i get a lawyer at this point. I just can't live with this anymore!
Replied on Saturday, June 6, 2009 12:00 AM

Could you have heavy metal poisoning? Check with a chelation doctor.
Replied on Friday, October 2, 2009 12:00 AM

i have already had a cat scan and no brain tumor showed up. My doctor is sending me for a MRI is this the proper test to test for a brain tumor? Should i ask to see a neurologist?
Replied on Sunday, October 4, 2009 12:00 AM

I would see a neurologist if I was you. I am having some of the same symptoms you are having and I am getting an MRI done next week. I truly hope you are doing better.
Replied on Saturday, May 29, 2010 12:00 AM
My daughter (42) has lapsed into a coma having had brain tumours for the last 5 yrs that are now considered to be beyond further treatment.The tumours are on the right side of her brain and she started to lose the use of all faculties on her left side early on Wednesday morning and became comatose very quickly.With such rapid and obvious deteriroation we realise that this will probably spread to other parts of her body. If its possible to establish, is there any logical order in which her other faculties would degenerate or any predictable pattern to the spread of this cancer? She is breathing almost normally and steadily and wonder whether it could be realistically established whether she may have days/weeks or months left. A hard question to answer I realise but maybe based on past similar cases I thought some indication could provide some outline of what might be expected
Replied on Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:00 AM

My maternal aunt had a brain tumour surgery 9 years back and the surgery was sucessful and she survived but she lost her eyesight completely. She is under medication since then and after nine years she has started developing the below noted symptoms which is increasing day by day.
1. Severe Headache.
2. constant running nose.
3. high blood pressure
4. Loss of apetite.
I don't know how long she will pull up with such problems.Your kind advice is requested for any action in the matter.

Replied on Saturday, December 19, 2009 12:00 AM

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