 jo1957 (Guest)
my son has rheumatoid arthritis and had arthrotomy of the hips. he had amoebiasis on his 3rd day of stay in the hospital. he was treated with metronidazole 500 mg 3x/day for a week. then the dysentery recurred anout 5 days after getting out of the hosp, and this time gave him fevers and fatigue. he had to be confined again and he was back to metronidazole along with rifaximin for another week. this gave him so many side effects, he could not sleep, headaches, cramps, joint pains all over - he was in distress! he was well for a week, though. yesterday, he had abdominal cramps again and he passed stool around 3 times. it was not watery and i suspected his low fat milk was the culprit. today he passed stool and to my aghast, there was mucus [again!]i dont know what to do. why is this? we complete his medication, wash our hands, he drinks distilled water etc. he is 18 years old around 110 lbs 5'7". last year in february, he had the 1st bout of amoebiasis and it recurred only this year. why is this so? i am afraid metronidazole will worsen again his arthritis. he can hardly walk so its really hard for him to have bouts of dysentery like this. please help. please please
Replied on Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:49 AM
 Ted70 (Guest)
I believe that I have had intestinal parasites for over two years but my doctors say no as the stool tests always come back negative. One particular test I submitted a vial with two cysts and no mention of this in the lab report. My wife confirmed that she saw me put the cysts in the test vial. [The cysts, which I am passing almost daily are about 1/2" diameter, round or oblong, prickly rough exterior, soft sticky or mushy interior. On the exterior there are two "eyes"-usually one or both still intact-and two teeth like objects projecting beneath the "eyes".] The doctor had me bring one of these cysts in to her-later that same day as luck would have it-and she took it to the lab. Late that same afternoon I received a phone call informing me that I had a bacterial infection. I took metronidazole 500mg 3xday for 10 days. She said the cysts were "unprocessed food". I gradually felt better then about 5 days later the cysts in my stool returned. Very easy to spot as they would always float on the water in the toilet. Then I passed several that were still attached to the stool. That's when I really got serious about careful observance of each and every bowel movement. I also noticed the shape and identifying similarities of each piece of stool (worms?). A head with two "eyes" and yes a mouth partially open on some of them. In may I passed a large worm with a cyst still attached by membrane to its mouth. I have photos taken by me with my cheap camera....some three hundred such photos on my computer. Nobody wants to see them. I'm told that I have IBS and a vivid imagination! I am about ready to give up and put myself in God's hands. The pain and suffering is more than I can handle although it is said that God never gives us more than we can handle.
Replied on Saturday, August 10, 2013 4:49 AM
Amoebic Dysentery is a curse on mankind. I had suffered with it two years back and I can still recall those terrible days and I was almost dead and tired. Finally, I recovered after taking some Ayurvedic medicines which my aunt suggested. I lost about 15 kilos in 10 days of this ailment. Thank God, I finally recovered. I still believe that Ayurvedic medicines are the best.
Replied on Thursday, August 15, 2013 12:59 PM
 gurmit22 (Guest)
kurchi Q is the best medicine for any type of intestinal parasites [dysentry] problem , 5 to 10 drops two times daily for 30 days .
Replied on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 2:59 AM