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Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, or multi-cellular parasites. Such diseases usually spread, with greater or lesser ease, from one person to another or even one species to another.

Our Infectious Diseases Support Group will help you get in touch with doctors and patients sharing the same concerns as yours.
Support Groups (28)

Amoebic Dysentery / Amoebiasis

Amoebic dysentery is severe diarrhea associated blood and mucous in the stools caused by an amoeba called entamoeba histolytica. If it is not treated, amoebic dysentery can by fatal.

You can contact doctors and other health professionals and learn more about this common killer from this online group on amoebic dysentery.


Anthrax is an infectious and potentially fatal disease of warm-blooded animals, especially of cattle and sheep, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It is communicable, albeit occasionally, to the human population.

For more information, join our support group on anthrax today.

Athletes Foot / Tinea Pedis

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin that causes flaking, scaling and itching. Usually, it affects the soles of the feet, but it can spread to other areas including the groin. It spreads on moist and warm surfaces, like bathroom floors, and also through infected clothes or footwear and through swimming pools.

Learn more about athlete’s foot by joining our online group. Ask your questions, get answers from experts, and share experiences.

Avian Influenza / Bird Flu

Avian influenza or Bird Flu is a disease of viral etiology that ranges from a mild or even asymptomatic infection to an acute, fatal disease of chickens, guinea fowls, and other avian species, especially migratory waterfowl.

After a recent near epidemic which triggered mass culling of high-risk birds, the world is on its guard against further avian flu attacks. Keep yourself updated at this support group and learn of the latest on this front.

Bacillary Dysentery / Shigellosis / Shigella Infection

Shigellosis is an infection of the intestines by bacteria of the genus Shigella. The disease is contagious and can quickly spread in a population through water contaminated with human feces. It causes watery and bloody diarrhea with abdominal pain and fever.

Join our online group on shigellosis to ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.


Campylobacteriosis is a common bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. It is usually not serious and resolves within a week, unless the infection spreads to the blood.

Join our online group on campylobacteriosis and learn more by asking questions, getting answers from experts, and sharing experiences.

Chickenpox / Varicella

Chickenpox is a common contagious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus which causes fever and skin rashes all over the body.

This online group on chickenpox will help you know more about the disease and its treatments from doctors and others interested in it.


This mosquito-borne viral disease causes severe joint pain and fever, and sometime it can be fatal.

Join this online group on chikungunya to exchange notes with healthcare professionals and other people concerned with this disease.

Chlamydia / Chlamydia Trachomatis

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It is a very common cause of genital infection acquired during oral, vaginal, or anal, sexual contact with an infected partner.

Stave off the infection by keeping yourself updated on healthy sexual practices. For additional information, Medindia’s support group is the place to be.


Cholera is an diarrheal illness caused by infection with the Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The bacteria spreads through contaminated food and water. Cholera can lead to watery stools and vomiting and can quickly dehydrate a person and be fatal if it is not treated.

Join our online group on cholera to ask questions about this disease to experts and learn more.

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guatgirl replied to cooldandani's discussion post under Can anyone here let me interview them about chikungunya? in Chikungunya Support Group - 3462 days back
maryxmas wrote a discussion post under My first conmatrs ! in Chikungunya Support Group - 3673 days back
abilene_addy wrote a discussion post under Wonder thousands of kilometers in Malaria Support Group - 3813 days back
m.lal wrote a discussion post under malaria in Malaria Support Group - 3816 days back
sheena_hines replied to ennairam_23's discussion post under Could Spiders Help Prevent Malaria? in Malaria Support Group - 3887 days back
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