Perumula (Guest)
INDEED!! In Dec. 2003 I was severely beaten with horrible blows to the left side of my head and ear. Sleeping was awful. It took more than two years before someone suggested melatonin, instead of the "drugs" the doctors were giving me to sleep. It is WONDERFUL. I tried last year to stop taking it and of course immediately went back to waking up within a few hours.
Neither my parents nor grandparents ever had trouble sleeping at night [although the grands would keep us all awake with their snoring!!].
Someone should extend the study to understand, if it's common, why it's SO hard to go back to sleep as well. Before that at times I'd woken up at night but NEVER had such a problem getting back to sleep.
At least this makes me feel better to know I'm not alone!
Replied on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:52 AM