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Adolescent Depression
Depression in adolescents is quite similar to that of adults. Teens suffering from psychotic depressions may report hallucinations. Other common signs are a decline in academic achievements, behavioral problems in friendship, withdrawal from external contact, and a lack of enthusiasm and energy. As a parent or caregiver for an adolescent, always remain on your guard against possible symptoms of teen depression. Give your child all the attention and love he/she requires. Pick up some easy tips on managing depression here at this support group.
Agoraphobia is a common phobia or 'anxiety disorder' characterised by an irrational fear of being in places away from familiar settings. Learn more on the symptoms of agoraphobia, possible treatment options, and also of famous individuals who are its victims! Sign up for this support group today!
Alcohol abuse / Alcohol dependence / Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse, as described in the DSM-IV, is a psychiatric diagnosis describing the use of alcoholic beverages despite negative consequences. Alcohol abuse is sometimes referred to by the less specific term alcoholism.
Alcohol and Driving
Alcohol impairs your ability to concentrate and slows your reaction time – when you drive after drinking, these things can be fatal for you, others in the vehicle you are driving, and people on the road.Join our online group on the dangers of drinking and driving. Ask questions, share experiences, and learn more.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that was first described in 1868 and is found most commonly found among teenage girls, and to a certain extent, also in men. Patients with anorexia harbor low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, unhappiness and a feeling of life getting out of hand. Medindia will offer you all the support you need to escape the clutches of this debilitating mental and physical condition at this forum.
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is the abnormal fear or reaction towards any stress which the person can normally handle. A patient is anxious or apprehensive and may show signs like sweating, palpitation, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, frequent urination, and difficulty in swallowing. Need help with dealing with panic attacks? Sign up and enter a new world, and learn to deal with your anxiety disorder.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is the most studied childhood psychiatric disorder. Children affected by this condition have problems at home and school and also while interacting with their fellow students and peers. A child with ADHD needs your special care, and also understanding of his peers and educators. If you’re looking for help, this support group is the place to be.
Binge Eating : The Pleasure and Pain
Though rarely recognized, binge eating is the most common of all eating disorders. Surprisingly more common than anorexia or bulimia! Emotional eating is often a pattern of eating characterized by a voracious appetite, consuming large amounts of food quickly, and an eating tendency that goes out of control. Want to be cured of the pangs of binge eating? Here’s help at our support group where you can network with others facing the same difficulties, and also gain advice from doctors.
Bruxism / Tooth Grinding / Jaw Clenching / Teeth Clenching / Parasomnia
Bruxism, or habitual teeth grinding, can damage the enamel and lead to oversensitive and abraded teeth and can also cause facial pain and headaches. When the tooth is hollow due to cavities, bruxism can lead to the collapse of the tooth. Bruxism is a compulsive habit as well as a sleep disorder, since many people grind their teeth in sleep.Join our online support group for people coping with bruxism. Ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.
Bubbles and Brews - Alcohol Facts
Alcohol is a part of many kinds of drinks: beers, wines, and spirits. Many people consider drinking alcoholic beverages a fashionable thing to do, but alcohol is addictive when you take too much of it, and alcoholism is a disease that destroys individuals and families.Join our online group on alcohol. Ask questions, share experiences, and learn more.