I found the solution to my partners snoring problem on www.snoremeds.com . He isnt overweight and doesnt suffer from sleep apnea but rather just has soft tissue that obstructs his breathing airway while he sleeps. SnoreMeds sell an anti-snoring mouthpiece that is worn at night. My partner said that the mouthpiece was comfortable as it moulds to the shape of your mouth and it works by gently holding your lower jaw in a slightly forward position while you sleep, which opens up the airway in your throat and causes the air to slow down and flow through more freely, therefore eliminating your snoring basically from day one! From then on we both wake up feeling a lot more refreshed and ready to deal with the day ahead...and each other- truly a life and relationship saver- minus the earplugs!
Replied on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 3:19 AM
Snoring can also be avoided by making few changes in our daily life. They are as follows,
1. Sleep on your side
2. Stop caffeine and heavy meals
3. Reposition your self (Head elevated 4 inch above)
4. Establish regular sleep patterns
Replied on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 1:45 AM